Chapter 13 - Guilt

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Day 2 - 18 Tributes Remain

Ivory's Point of View:

The feeling of survival is somewhat relieving. I'm perfectly fine as far as physical health goes. Kat and I slept up in a tree last night, and we're headed to the Cornucopia to see if there was any left over supplies for us to snag.

We'd both woken up in the morning from the cannon, signaling the death of one more tribute. If there is one thing about the deaths in the Hunger Games that has made me angry more than just the fact that they are gone, is that the death is so improper. There is no funeral for fallen tributes. The dead body is just picked up by a hovercraft from the Capitol, and taken away to never be seen again. Nothing special. I've always wondered where the bodies end up.

Okay now that I think about it, I'd rather keep the thought out of my head.

As we approached the outskirts of the Cornucopia, the area seemed quiet. How strange. Normally, there's atleast one tribute sitting in the Cornucopia, waiting for someone to show up, just so they can bombard them with everything they can until the tribute dies. All I can really see is some blood splattered all over the metal structure that sits directly in the center. At the start of the game, the structure holds all kinds of weapons and materials. But right now, it's almost empty. Almost.

Kat slowly began to walk his way into the area, before full-on sprinting to the metal structure. He motioned for me to follow him over, but I hesitated at first. Running out in the open like that can leave me vulnerable, since the environment around me is completely clear. Someone could easily come out of nowhere and kill me. Then again, Kat got through just fine... and I have to trust him.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, before running directly to the structure. Before I knew it, I had already been there. About 20 meters away from where I was just hiding. I sighed exasperatedly. Kat put a finger up to his mouth, looking at me with a glare, reminding me to be quiet. We began to look around in the metal structure, when I suddenly found exactly what I was looking for.

A bow.

I grinned widely upon finding the bow. Sadly, there were only about two arrows. Suddenly, a loud scream of terror echoed through the Cornucopia. The cannon had fired not long after.


Kat and I instantly looked at each other, eyes wide in terror. It sounded like it was directly next to the metal structure. My heart began to beat faster than the speed of sound. I readied my bow and arrow, scared beyond belief. With Kat close behind me, I slowly paced myself out into the Cornucopia, ready to shoot anything on sight.

"Whoever's there... I-I have a weapon... and I a-am not afraid to use it!" I exclaimed, hoping to scare away the murderer. The hovercraft had showed up, almost directly over us, and picked up the body of a pokemon, which I couldn't tell what it was. I gulped.

I started hearing footsteps, and caught a quick glimpse of white, before I fired randomly out of instinct.

The arrow shot right by a little Minccino. A young one at that. Probably no less than fifteen years of age. It looked at the arrow passing by, confused yet slightly worried. I lowered my bow, relief showering over me.

"Good try...?" the Minccino said, showing a high-pitched, feminine voice. Kat raised a brow, confused. I did the same. "You heard the Ninetales screaming bloody murder, too?" she asked, somewhat fear in her voice. Kat and I slowly nod. "My name's Lucky. I was named after a four-leaf clover."

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