Convoy Stop

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The child looked at me
Tears welling in her eyes
I felt impotent, powerless to help
So hid behind my uniformed guise

Mother pushed her forward
(I don't know what she said)
I pretended to 'ne razumem'
But knew they wanted bread

Brandished in her tiny fist
A Deutschmark coin, symbol of peace
Prosperity to her unknown
Emblem of prevaricating democracy

Feeling confused, what should I do
I asked a mate (wouldn't you?)
"Fuck man, I wouldn't give these people the steam off my shit!"
The philosopher replied

I laughed like the tough guy I was meant to be
Shoved it to the recess of memory
It haunts me sometimes, when I'm drunk
When I know in my mind that I'm a cunt

June 1996

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