Chinook Lift

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Airframe starts to rock and yaw
Rising into the hot afternoon
Men pressed together
Crammed against the metal hull
Deafened by roar of blades overhead

Weapons inverted, muzzles to floor
Running through mental checklists
SOPs and actions-on

Through the opposite window I can just discern
The mangroves of Africa below
Reality breaks my reverie

"Two minutes", the shout goes up
The twin engined monster pitches left and right
Banking to descend
Catch eyes with a mate
A look of reassurance, nod of the head

Land with a jolt, men disgorging
"We're in contact already!"
Seatbelt unbuckled, I am out of my seat
Running down the ramp

Mental note to stay 'switched on'
Journey into the unknown

February 2002

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