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excuse any mistakes

It took so much convincing with Jamie to just ride with me and Cut back home. She finally agreed after she said That nigga better drop us off at the corner and no closer to my house. I ain't never see her more serious than that moment right there and that bitch always playing. 

She made it a priority to sit in the backseat on the opposite side of Cut and I reluctantly climbed behind Cut in the back as well. He ain't say nothing about it which made me feel a little relieved. But every time me and him looked up we seemed to make eye contact and I was always the one to break it.

I could feel him smiling at me in the rearview mirror. 

Cut was playing Rod Wave Dark Conversations When we drove off and I couldn't even lie that nigga was singing some real dark shit but it was relatable. I felt like he was painting how I felt over drums and bass and i didn't feel so alone. I held my phone by one of his speakers to Spotify the song just in case I forgot it.

The silence was starting to drag on as we rode down 22nd avenue. Jamie was all in her phone and my heart was in my throat so far I couldn't even think of a word. Cut cleared his throat, turned down the music a lil bit and glanced in the backseat at me before turning the corner.

"So y'all Seniors, right?" he broke the silence with a casual question.

Jamie looked up at Cut, shifted in her seat, and continued scrolling down Instagram.

Ugh, jamie!

"Yeah, we gon' be graduating early since me and Jamie took summer classes we didn't need. So instead of August we going to be graduating April."

Cut nodded in approval with a smile that stretched across his face. "Dats wassup, y'all stay in them books. What about after high school? Y'all going to stay in miami?" he looked into the rearview mirror at my expression. Why was he so focused on me?

"Um," I paused, looked at Jamie mashing her finger up on the screen with force and just decided to use the hail mary answer.

"We probably going to start a Youtube channel. Make some side money till we figure out what it is we want to do."

Jamie smirked at my lie, softly kicking me with the toe of her Jordans.

Cut nodded again, not really adding much more to the conversation.

We was about 10 minutes away from Jamie house and I felt my stomach growling. It was around 4 and Jamie auntie was probably still sleep for her overnight shift so I might as well grab some snacks since me nor Jamie like to cook. 

"Hey, Cut," I scooted up in the seat so he could hear me over NBA youngboy yelling ass.

"'Sup, ma?" he held his matte black iPhone facedown on his lap I noticed. Hs pinky ring was tapping the back with the music and I saw that big ass ring just shining in the sun.

"You think you could stop at the Kwik stop real quick?"

"Yeah no doubt, what y'all hungry?" 

I looked back at Jamie who was looking up at Cut, still not saying nothing.

I knew she was a little annoyed by the fight that almost happened between the girl and her but hopefully we would be able to smoke that shit out and talk about it.

"Yeah, I just want to grab a Ritz soda and some chips till we can get home to order pizza."

Cut nodded again and hit the corner to pull into the parking lot of the Kwik Stop. When we drove by the B&Bs I craned my neck to my house and it was still police tapped and boarded up. That shit made my stomach hurt. 

"So, your homegirl always so mean?" Cut was walking with me in the aisles as I was looking through the rows as to what I wanted. He was checking his phone a lot but I ain't mind it, it made me feel like less attention was on me.

"Nah," I joked, grabbing a big bag of puff Cheetos. "She just not friendly like that and on top of that she was bout to get jumped by that girl." I had to watch my tone considering she had her head in Cut window before walking away.

"Oh, Marcy?" I had to stop my eyes from rolling when he said her name. "Yeah, I had to let her know to vibe. She my homeboy girl but she be getting beside herself sometimes."

"So beside herself that she fucking other niggas raw? And gettin' burned?" I looked up at Cut with a raised eyebrow while holding my chips and doughnut sticks. "Think you should let your homeboy what kind of chick he dealing with."

Cut's eyes got big at that information. He didn't say nothing but shake his head with a suck of his teeth, grabbing him some flaming hot Cheetos and Funions as well.

Shit crazy. Was all he said.


"20.65." the korean store clerk eyeballed me and clerk as she turned the computer around to show us the total. I really hated when they did that shit. Just cause you wanted to open shop in the hood doesn't mean everyone illiterate. 

I dug in my back pocket and pulled out a 10, sucking my teeth at me being short. "Damn!" I said lowly "i'm sorry I need to go back to the car to grab the rest of the money. Can you hold on a second?"

Before the korean lady was about to fix her mouth and tell me no Cut stepped up and held his hand up in protest. "Nah, you good ma." Cut dug in his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash held by a leather money clip. He thumbed through the wad and pulled out 1 100 dollar bill and a 50. 

Did this nigga think we was on South Beach?

The Korean lady eyes got big then. She took the money and began to press the keys to give him his change and he waved his hand in decline. "Keep the change, and get that toilet fixed Ms. Kim." me and the lady looked at Cut with disbelief.

"A-are you sure? Its a lot of money." the clerk said in a stammer. Shit I was even side-eyeing him. Was he tryna flex?

"I'm sure ma. Now you have a blessed day." he flashed a smile at the clerk, grabbing the bags, and stepping aside so I could walk next to him again.

"Do me a favor ma, grab some banana laffy taffys for me please?" he shuffled around the bag and sucked his teeth as he looked inside.

With a small hesitation, I grabbed a handful of the candies from the front and stuffed half of them in my pocket with a smile.

"How did you know these was my favorite candy?" I smiled playfully.

He looked back at me and grinned. "Shit das my candy, don't be stealin' na!" we both laughed briefly as we walked back outside to a Jamie on the phone in the car, her face looking a little more relaxed.

"Aye, don't think I was tryna fake and be ya man or somethin'. Its just a lot of niggas be round here and I wouldn't want them to try you if I can help it."

I popped a Laffy Taffy in my mouth with a roll of my eyes. "It ain't nothing i'm not used to. Only thing I haven't come face to face with is a pimp and I ain't scared of them niggas either." I puffed out my chest and rolled my neck as we walked back to the car.

Cut looked at me with a playful smirk as we got back in the car, shaking his head slowly.

"So, I know y'all said y'all was going to order pizza or whatever. But i'm getting a little hungry myself, how's about Snappers instead?"


Back and feeling better!See y'all next chapter. :)

𝐃𝐎 𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora