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YOU KEEP SINKING AND SINKING IN YOUR THOUGHTS. You want to be saved from them but no one is here to help you. You're alone, with your thoughts in your mind. You can't voice it because you know not everyone will understand what you're thinking about. You only hope that these thoughts don't get the best of you. Oh but they do. They definitely do get the best of you. These thoughts are like chains, one thought leads to another and another and then another. You shut your eyes, as if shutting your eyes will stop them.

In the dark room, Riya's soft snores could be heard. It was 3:00 A.M. You woke up from your sleep again. Your sister is sound asleep beside your bed, you change your position trying to sleep. But you're irritated when you can't. You sigh, taking your phone in hand you plug in your earplugs and play something to stop yourself from thinking.

You stare at the window which is open to let the wind in. The night looks mesmerising. You've been hiding a lot of things from your sister and mother. You sometimes go out for a walk at 3:00 or 4:00 A.M. Sometimes, even at 2:00 A.M. A walk is the only way you could stay refreshed, it makes you feel that you're not alone.

You step down the stairs slowly, your mom's bedroom was right in front of your room. You take the necessary things you need, especially the key and leave. As soon as you come out, the cool wind hits your face. Good thing you had your sweater on. You walk wherever your steps take you. The streets are dark, but the dimlit lights help you see. It was scary for you to walk in the streets alone but this was nothing compared to your thoughts. Besides, you were walking in the same block so it was a safe neighborhood.

4:00 A.M. You find a park, there is a fountain in the middle, and a few benches for the people to sit. A few lamps are lit. Just like any other park, but something about the place made you stay. You dread to do it but decide to check your messages. You left so many of your friends on read. You keep doing this, you either check their messages after weeks or leave them on read. The messages reduced day by day, for which you were actually thankful for. You could talk to people through texts but would be exhausted if it was overdone, so you stopped checking messages. This one person does keep texting you. That's your dad. 106 unread messages. You breathe heavily. You don't ever want to check them. He has called you a million times as well. You didn't tell your mom.

You contemplated whether you should check them or not. When you decide you will, you hear the noise of the ruffling leaves from a distance. You furrow your eyebrows. Shaking your head, you get back to the messages. Maybe it was just your imagination. Another ruffling sound, this time you're sure you heard it. You gulp, gripping your phone tight you walk towards the tree where the noise was coming from. There stood a tall figure, watching you.

"Who's there?" You ask, standing a few feet away for safety. You mentally scold yourself for asking such a stupid question. You didn't know where you got the guts to do something so stupidly brave. The figure, which seems of like a guy, walks a few steps closer. You find his face familiar when the lights fall on his face.

"Aren't you the guy from the grocery store?" You ask with your eyebrows creased, your guard still up. He scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah, I'm sorry to scare you like that.."

"Are-Are you following me?" You ask panicked. He shook his head quick in response. "No, no. I just happened to be at the same place as you.." he points at the place where he was sitting, "That's my spot. I come here whenever I have to clear my mind up." He says pursing his lips. You suddenly feel uneasy, clearing your throat you start. "Yeah, okay. I think I'll-I'll take my leave now.."

You take a few steps behind, then walk swiftly away from here.

He scratches his head and stares down at the ground, "I scared her away, didn't I?"

word count : 746

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