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Moonchild and the lost soul talk endlessly about the moon, the stars and the sky. The moonchild says he wishes to reach the stars and touch the moon one day, the lost soul frowns upon his words, asking him what if he couldn't do so. The moonchild smiles, like he usually does, and says that he atleast has the lost soul with him and she blushes.

You and Namjoon are sharing a book. Stories after stories, he says how he ended up from his town to Seoul. How he is still struggling for a break and how he wishes to one day visit his town and meet his parents with a smile on his face, saying he accomplished what he wanted to, that moonchild was no more just a dreamer.

You listened to him. You didn't know why he was sharing everything with you. Did he trust you enough to tell you everything? Or is he so lonely that he wanted to let everything out? The lost soul stares at the glowing moonchild.

You smile when you remember him falling on the ground out of thin air a few hours ago, you were laughing while he rubbed his hurt butt. He was now asleep, using his arms as a pillow. He was snoring softly, you chuckle.

The librarian barely noticed what happened at the table in the last corner, so you knew she wouldn't take the trouble of coming all the way here to check if someone was sleeping.

"Why were you crying in the corner that day? " the moonchild had asked you.

Moonchild didn't want to ask, but he knew you held it in for long.

You sigh and fidget with the book cover, you stare at the moonchild.
The lost soul describes how she used to cry for her father, she missed her Dad. Because her Dad used to tell her a story about why you should never quit on family. But he ended up doing the exact thing he thought you about. It had only been a month or so since you two knew each other, but there you were sharing about your father with the moonchild.

You wondered why he always had the baseball cap on his head, you removed it and placed your hand on his head instead and ruffled his hair softly. Moonchild slept peacefully.

Moonchild looked beautiful when he was asleep, not that he was any less beautiful when he was awake, but it was different when he was asleep.

Your mind drifted to the anxiety attacks you've had over the recent days. One was just the day before. You were having a lot of bad dreams which made you stay awake at night. You would cry, your heart beating louder than the drums, voices repeating when everyone was asleep. You were envious of all the people who slept peacefully. You would wonder why they were in your head in the first place. Isn't everything a little better now? Aren't we a little happier than before? Then why am I having nightmares at night? Why do monsters blur my vision so that I cannot see the light, asks the lost soul.

Your attention back on Joon, a small smile appears on your face. You lean in on the table, resting your arms and then your head on them, your eyes closing as you were sleepy.

The lost soul had found the moonchild sleeping under the moonlight. She wondered again how someone could look so beautiful while sleeping. Oh, moonchild looked beautiful when he was asleep.

word count : 592



Bye. I don't know who wrote this.

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