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YOU, THE LOST SOUL cry your heart out that day. You're hiding away from the world, locking yourself in your dorm. You don't want to be here anymore. You have decided to quit studying. Quit college. College wasn't for you, you were failing and you hated what it made you feel. You weren't the same cheerful you, you wouldn't study. You couldn't care about it, you never really thought about college. When you were in highschool, you didn't struggle with grades, they were average. But when you entered college, it was difficult. You tried everything but nothing worked. You pack your bags and open the door, taking a deep breath, you decide to never come back here. Your heart hoped your parents would understand.


You bury your face in between your thighs as you rock back and forth. Your sister sleeping in the room, you don't want to wake her up. You muffle your cries, hoping your anxiety washes away. So many thoughts running in your head, snowballing into bigger ones. You grip your hair and cover your ears. Those voices in your head repeating, they won't stop. You muffle a groan, why don't these thoughts stop? Your legs were numb.

"You're overreacting. Do you think you're the only one with problems?" Your friends say.

"Your grades are falling," your professor had once said.

"You're not going to give up on college, right?" Your mom says with worry laced in her voice, she tries her best to not show it.

"An adult like you shouldn't be so reckless and irresponsible in your decisions," your father's stern voice plays.

"You're so worthless, look at you. Why are you so hopeless and lost?" Your own reflection in the mirror keeps repeating.

"No.." you voice out softly, tears streaming down from your eyes.


A soft sigh escapes your lips as you sit on the terrace. Although this building was busy, the terrace was abandoned. You had heard from your mom just now that your dad and her will walk their seperate ways.

"Mom will be much happier if she leaves you, Dad.." you say, as you stare at the cloudy sky. The crisp air hit your face, "I won't ever miss you."


You're tired from walking, nauseated and dizzy. You lay there on the grass, in the cold evening. You should hurry up soon, but this dizziness won't go away.

Your eyes open, and you find a guy sitting beside you. Instead of being startled, you crease your eyebrows and pout. "Who are you?" You ask curious.

He smiles his dimpled smile,

"A friend." He says.

You scoff, "Ridiculous." You say, rolling your eyes and getting back to staring at the sky.

Your eyes suddenly turn blurry. You squint your eyes but it's of no use. It's dark everywhere, you wonder who switched the lights off. You jerk up from your bed, breathing heavily as if you ran a mile. You realize it was all a dream. You felt a strange comfort there in your dream, which you hadn't felt for months.

You fall asleep immediately hoping to see him in your dreams again.

You don't see him in your dreams.

But you meet him the next day in the grocery store. He was wearing a green cap, he was clumsy, but you were sure, it was him.

word count : 555

did you like this chapter? tell me how it was! I wrote this at 3:00 a.m so hopefully it's not bad.
Please wait for another update which I will publish by today evening or tomorrow <3

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