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"Neena.." he says, "Are you okay?"

You had your face covered, sitting under the same tree you usually sit in the park.

Moonchild was worried for the lost soul.

Moonchild couldn't bear to see the lost soul hurt or cry.

The lost soul was so dear to the moonchild.

"N-Namjoon, please go away." You say, your voice weak. You anxiously tremble. It stung to see your Dad so happy. While you, your mom and sister suffered.

"I will. Once I know you're okay." He says, sitting beside you.

He puts his arm around you as he sees you shake, crying profusely. You lean into him, "He-He doesn't miss us.."

"That's not true.." he says.

"That is true! Did you see the way he stared at me? He didn't even want to talk to me because he was with her!!" You exclaim, your eyes now red from crying and tears streaming down. He wipes your tears, eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Dad says that he loves us through texts only because he cannot take the guilt anymore. He doesn't care about us. I-I.. Mom used to cry so much when he first moved out from the house. It hurts to see her cry, she still cries! It hurts when my sister pretends she doesn't know anything, it hurts to see him happy with that woman instead of my Mom!"

Moonchild empathises. He doesn't know what you're going through but he listens to you.

Moonchild always listens to the lost soul. He always tries to understand her.

"Maybe he doesn't need you, Neena. But what you don't understand is you don't need him too. You don't deserve him.. Please don't cry."

He hugs you, your tears staining his shirt.

"You're just hurting right now. You need to heal. Because only if you heal, will you know that you never needed him in the first place.."

You hold onto the embrace and sniffle, "But..I miss him.. I miss him terribly."

"I'll be honest. You'll miss him. You'll still love him after many years, because he is your Dad. You can never stop loving your Dad. But you don't need to bring him back."


Hey Dad.

I miss you.

I lied when I said I wouldn't miss you.

Do you ever miss me Dad? Miss us? Do you ever cry for us?

Or is it just us missing you? Is it just me crying over such a pitiful man??

I don't want to miss you anymore, Dad.

Because you left us hurt.

You left Mom and Riya hurt with your wounds. Even if the wounds do heal, scars would still be there.

The boy and the dove.

Remember the story you told me, Papa?

The boy threw stones at the dove because the dove loved him a lot. The dove used to sit by his window and wait for him. But the boy, every single time, used to hit her or shoo her away. Nobody knew why the dove would still sit and wait for him. One day, the dove sat on the window sill. The boy was so furious, he had a bad day in school. So he took out his anger on the poor dove. He hit the dove so hard that the dove couldn't fly anymore. She fell on the ground. The dove was taking her last breath but still fighting to see the boy.

Only if the boy knew, it was his mother. She was reincarnated from her past life to a dove. The other doves stopped her, to not meet him, saying that they knew the human world and he would definitely hurt her. Look what happened now. There was no difference to the boy when the dove died. Her cries didn't reach his ears. Poor dove died, crying for her son.

You're the boy here, Dad.

And we are the dove.

You hurt us, we kept coming back to you. But you pushed us away and chose someone else. When we were with you all this time, you just stopped being there for us. Did those years as a family mean nothing to you, Dad?

Your Mom reads the last page of your journal again and again. She had seen your journal on your desk and initially, she didn't want to read it. But a certain sentence had caught her.

"When overwhelming thoughts cloud my mind.. I write."

She read your whole journal. A heavy feeling engulfed her heart when she read your journal, her eyes lingering on the last page.

word count : 753


I didn't update this in YEARS.
Wow, and that's exactly why I had a terrible terrible writer's block, I had to redo the plot and give you this. If you cringed then please comment. If you liked it then also comment. What I mean is I need your feedback so that I can know I'm going the right way 😭😭😭

I love you all❤❤❤❤

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