Where To Go

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Fafnir looked at her with wide eyes, he was relatively young for a dragon, so how was it that he was going to die soon?

"What do you mean, that is when I will die?" The words rushed past his lips as if they could not escape fast enough.

Morgianna looked him in the eyes contemplating telling him about her other abilities but decided that with the pact she could trust him. "My eyes. Do you see how they are different?" He nodded, eyes still wide open.

She sighed before continuing, "The gold one... it allows me to see when someone will die. Not how or where, but when. Down to the last second. The other is also special, though I don't suppose you really need to know that right this moment. All you need to know is that I was born with this ability and every person around me has a clock. Yours... just has less time. Whatever course you are currently on will lead to your death. Even if you don't want to stay with me... please don't do what you are about to do."

When she finished speaking she sat down on the cave floor feeling like her knees would buckle if she continued to stand. She took a deep breath feeling like telling him he was going to die was the hardest thing she has ever had to do and that's coming from someone who has died before.

The cave was silent except the distant sound of water dripping on the cave floor. A shuddering breath broke the tension and Morgianna raised her downcast eyes looking towards Fafnir who stood as still as a statue with glassy eyes.

He turned towards her an emotion that she could only describe as despair playing in his eyes. "I can tell you are not lying, and that is the part that hurts the most... I cannot return to my kingdom yet without dying. I cannot see what has become of my citizens.. see my siblings graves, or if they even have one."

A lone tear ran down his cheek, yet she did not think any less of him. For centuries he was unable to escape his prison, trapped in a body that was not even a shell of his former self. Cursed to be alone his only company himself.

"I will not force you to stay, but may I suggest you prepare beforehand... maybe train and get back into shape after...well just since your curse is broken." She frowned as she tried to get her point across feeling like a fish out of water.

"Where would I go? My home was my kingdom and the only place I have been in centuries is this cave. I do not even know what the world looks like anymore." He frowned thinking of the years he lost to the curse.

"Well if you didn't have wings and horns I could bring you back to my home." She looked at his wings which she imagined stretched out would be at least twice the length of his height. His horns stood out on his head and even with a hat of some kind they could not be covered.

Her eyes almost popped out of her skull when his horns and wings disappeared within moments of her finishing speaking.

"Would this appearance be acceptable?" He frowned as he ran his fingers through his hair without his horns hindering their path.

At first she could not utter a word, still shocked at parts of him disappearing. Finally finding her tongue, "You would probably have to take on some position within the castle. Like a bodyguard of mine or something. I am sure my father would allow you to be there if we told him you saved my life or something."

She began thinking of what she would tell her father when they returned, which would need to be soon. She was unsure how much time had passed since entering the forest, but she was sure too much would be the answer.

Looking at Fafnir she worried about whether he would be able to adapt to her household, but as a prince she felt if anyone could do it he could.

"Well, now that we know where you are going to go we should Ummm get you some better clothes... while they had been talking she had not realized he was wearing a torn pair of pants that looked as if they were on their last thread. A strong breath could probably cause them to disintegrate. He had no shoes or shirt. His skin bare and unblemished except a few minor scars.

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