New Guild Members

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Weeks had gone by before Morgianna finally decided it was safe to go back to perform a mission. However, on the day she had arrived to pick one out, she found there was a letter waiting for her. The sender was none other than their own Crown Prince, requesting to meet her personally to thank her for getting rid of the necromancer. She could only scream internally as the sent him a letter informing him that there was no need to thank them as they did not do it for him.

She should have known that those two nosy boys would use their connections to find out information on her, and now her job was compromised.

"Should we join a different guild?" Alnwick sat beside her in the carriage as they once again were on their way to pick up a mission.

To his question Morgianna could only shake her head. "No if we left now they would think that we are running and it would only make them more curious. Plus I did not spend years working my way up through this guild only to throw it away because of some nosy children. Everything should be fine." Right after she said the words she felt a chill run down her spine as if she had just jinxed herself.

Myra sat across from the two of them admiring her sharp nails, her green hair framing her purple eyes. "Why don't we just kill them? I mean then they wouldn't be a danger to you later on."

Outside of the carriage Fafnir snorted at the woman's direct approach. "Should I tell her, or are you going to Morgianna?"

"If we kill them we would basically be waging war on their kingdoms. Also in case, you forgot it is the Crown Prince of pretty much every kingdom. That would send the world into mass chaos, which is what I am trying to avoid. They may be nosy, but I cannot move against them at the moment." At Morgianna's words, Myra blushed. She felt dumb for not thinking it through and suggesting such a thing, especially since Fafnir was the first to point it out.

She looked away and mumbled under her breath. "Sorry."

Morgianna couldn't help but smile, the old Myra would never apologize for anything. "It is fine, trust me if I thought about it myself a couple of times." She said it jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

They still had a couple more hours of travel and she did not want to sit with a moody basilisk.


As usual, when they arrived in town they first made a stop at The Sleeping Giant. Claudia had long since guessed their profession but they paid well and never caused her trouble.

After changing they dropped out the window as usual and made their way toward the guild, keeping out of sight. They had purposely arrived at dusk so that they could head over as it got dark. Seeing as how they had nosy people looking into their identities they were extra careful to not be seen.

Taking the long way around they finally arrived in front of the building, surprised to see more people than usual in attendance they crept up to peer into the warm room.

"And I'm not leaving until she gets here." A voice Morgianna recognizes instantly sounded from inside.

Killian stood behind his counter, his scarred face not looking impressed in the slightest by the two boys standing in front of him. The one that had spoken was none other than Thadeous, his bright red hair catching on the dim lights and making it look like blood.

Beside him stood Alistar, he was surveying the room as if looking for something, or someone.

A bad feeling crept into her being. She could already guess who they were there for.

"I told you no, we do not give out personal information about our members. Now leave." Killian leaned forward his massive arms bulging against his shirt.

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