What Happened?

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After Fafnir's family had finally calmed from their reunion Morgianna and Fafnir were led to a sitting room of sorts. On one of the couches, one in each corner sat their comrades. Myra had an angry expression, daring anyone to get close to her, while Alnwick was all smiles, his body sunken comfortably in his seat.

"Where have you all been, they did not hurt you did they?" Myra glared around the room as if daring someone to have hurt her friends. Her anger almost tangible and suffocating to those who did not know the fiery basilisk.

Watching Myra give the Queen and Princes a glare was hilarious to Morgianna but she decided to step in before she royally made her love interests family hate her.

"Myra, this is Queen Eingana, Fafnirs mother and these two gentlemen are his brothers Prince Fergus, and Prince Finian." Myra's already pale skin became paler with each person Morgianna introduced, her previous anger replaced with a blank expression though her eyes showed her embarrassment. Regardless of Myra's reaction the Queen kept a pleasant smile on her face the Princes sharing a small smile.

Alnwick watched from his seat a lazy smile on his face. With about as much grace as a flailing duck he rose from his feet and into a half bow. "A meet to you pleasure, Alnwick I am."

Morgiannas eyes grew wide at the way Alnwick was speaking. "Why is he speaking that way?" She turned her questioning eyes back to the pair of princes. Fergus was grimacing with a slightly sheepish look on his face.

"Umm, well you see... He woke up too quickly so we dosed him with a tranquilizer and it may have been too strong of a dose on top of the previous dose we had given both your friends...." Fergus rubbed the back of his neck as they all watched Alnwick bob his head and shuffle back to his seat. The goofy grin still plastered to his face.

Fafnir was pinching the bridge of his nose while he looked between his brothers and his comrade. "Finian, I am unsure of the living situation that has been set up, but is it possible to get him to bed so that he may sleep off the drugs?"

Queen Eingana who had not spoken since they had come to the sitting room moved over to Morgiannas side. "It is not much but we can take your friends to where we keep the beds. Unfortunately there are no private rooms."

Morgianna wanted to check Alnwick for any injuries before letting him go but a shake of Fafnirs head had her staying put. She trusted Fafnir and his family so she needed to trust that they would take care of her friends. She was about to nod her approval when a voice broke her train of thought.

"On second thought, the female can come with us. The looks she keeps giving my son make me want to get to know her." Eingana turned to Myra and gave her a look over, her sharp eyes seeming to pick the green-haired woman apart where she stood. Myra's face was burning with mortification, she couldn't believe she got caught staring at Fafnir, by his mother no less.


After Alnwick had been tucked in Queen Eingana turned to the remaining occupants of the room. Her three sons shared a look, an understanding passing between them while Morgianna and Myra waited with bated breathe for the Queen's next words. "As you know the Kingdom has been taken over by those who are unfit to rule. Sora, and my youngest son Faust, members of our own race betrayed us and staged a coup." At the mention of her youngest child the Queens's eyes darkened considerably but still she continued on.

"It has been many years since then, but things have only gotten worse. The first century of their rule our biggest worry was that one day they would empty the reserves and our people would start to starve. She began buying things at an alarming rate, sending our people out into the world...many never returned.

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