A Woman Scorned

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To alleviate the tension that was caused by Faust being released from the dungeon he was required to wear special handcuffs until they had left the Kingdom. Every being in the Kingdom showed up to see them off from all walks of life and social standing. Some showed signs of rage as they looked at their party, such as the council members while others showed sadness that their princes were once again leaving them.

Morgianna watched their surroundings a bad feeling stirring in her gut as the time of their departure grew near. Something was going to happen, she just did not know what or when.

'Keep your guard up.' She mind linked Fafnir and the rest of her group, not excluding Faust. If something was going to happen it would likely involve him and she did not want him to be caught off guard.

Each of her group gave a barely perceivable nod in agreement, keeping their faces void of any emotions that they may be feeling tense. Fergus and Finian stood on one side of Queen Eingana while Morgianna and her group stood on the other waiting to hear the Queen's farewell speech before they left.

Queen Eingana raised a hand to silence the chatter that was resounding through the square. After several minutes the square became silent, all eyes focused on the Queen and what she was about to say. "As you all know Sora is dead, the pain and suffering that we suffered under her came to an end thanks to This brave group of people."

A scream broke the peace as all hell broke loose. Morgianna tried to catch a glimpse of what had caused the widespread panic but there were too many bodies in the way. Queen Eingana tried unsuccessfully to calm everyone but it was to no avail. As the square began to clear Morgianna caught one person calmly standing to the side, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched everyone run around frantically. Councilwoman Salzar looked at everyone as if they were ants beneath her shoes, a play for her own personal enjoyment. At that moment she looked up and her eyes met Morgianna's. All enjoyment fell from the woman's face, instead replaced by hate. Salzar stepped forward letting her body be pulled into the crowd and disappeared. 

That uneasy feeling in Morgianna's gut grew. The look in Councilwoman Salazar's eyes was of someone who had nothing left to lose. Almost everyone who had gathered to see them off had fled, leaving the Royal family and Morgianna's group with just a few guards and random citizens milling about looking lost.

"Your majesty, something is wrong. We should return to the castle until we are sure of what caused the panic." A nearby guard spoke up as he walked in front of the queen. Suddenly his eyes bulged and a dribble of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth as he fell to his knees. An arrow had been buried deep into the man's back just as he had walked in front of them. Either the assailant was hoping to get rid of a low ranking guard, or the Royal Family had been the true target and the man had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Morgianna and her group, along with Fergus and Finian fanned out creating a circle around a still handcuffed Faust and the Queen. Scanning their surroundings sharp eyes. Clapping sounded from a nearby alley and slowly Salzar walked out. A smile on her face despite the situation. "Give us the traitor and we will let you all go with your lives. The Royal Family will get off with losing their crown, but not their lives, and everyone will live happily ever after." She had a crazed look in her eyes as she constantly glanced at Faust as if he were the main course and she was a starving person.

"This is madness, we will not hand him over to the likes of you. You have no power here." Fergus was barely holding in his rage, his whole body shaking.

"No power you say?" Several people stepped out from the shadows around them, their appearances were not that of bandits, but they were obviously not from the dragon kingdom. "This group here is to change that."

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