An Unexpected Visitor

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It has been two days since she fell asleep and the whole castle was tense. Her birthday was spent with her lying on a bed, her pale complexion even paler than normal. Fafnir felt that he had failed her and had spent his every free moment by her side waiting for her to wake up. He felt he should have convinced her to stay indoors, anything but running around a strange place. Even with those thoughts though he knew she would have left even if he had tried to stop her. They went on countless missions and there was always the chance of getting hurt... He just did not expect it to be now.

Myra watched from the sidelines wanting Morgianna to wake up, and for Fafnir to stop beating himself up over her getting hurt. When Myra had woke up she found her wound to be fully healed and the castle in a panic. She had not seen anything that had occurred after passing out from the pain, so she had not seen the magnitude in which Morgianna had used her powers. Fafnir did not tell her family what she had done but had given a brief run down to Myra and Alnwick.

"You have to rest, if you don't you will not be able to help her later. Let me watch her and if she wakes, I will have someone inform you immediately. I.. worry about you." Myra blushed slightly and looked away from Fafnir not wanting to see his usual uninterested look. However, unbeknownst to her for the first time in years the look he gave her had a hint of warmth. He admits that her infatuation towards him was something he blatantly ignored, but in the face of danger watching the green-haired woman risk her life to save Morgianna had made him finally take notice of her.

He sighed and ran his hand down his face, erasing the warm look he had a moment earlier. "Alright, but I want to be the first one told when she wakes."

Watching Fafnir walk away Myra sighed and turned back to look at the sleeping face of Morgianna. "Hurry and wake up so we don't have to keep worrying about you...especially Fafnir, he loves you ya know? He thinks of you as his little sister and to be honest... I kind of do too. Though if you ever asked me I would deny it." As she finished speaking she sat down in the chair beside the bed and propped her elbows on her knees. Her eyes were bloodshot but resolute to watch the sleeping girl until the moment her eyes opened.


After a couple of hours of watching Morgianna, Myra heard a commotion down the hall. There were several guards frantically yelling and Myra could hear a group heading in her direction. Moving so that she was standing between whoever was about to come through the door and Morgianna, Myra took up a stance that would be ready to fight if the need arose.

The voices were closer and she could make out several of the words.

"She is not taking visitors at this moment."

"Wait for the Duke and Duchess to arrive and they will entertain you."

"Your Highness, please follow me to the sitting room and I will have refreshments prepared for you right away."

'Ah so it is royalty, explains their blatant disregard' Myra sneered internally thinking of which pompous figure would be walking through the door at any moment. If they tried to start something then she would defend Morgianna, even at the risk of offending them.

As the door opened Myra was met with two piercing blue orbs and a shock of vividly blue hair. "Good day, I am Prince Caspian of Aquaria and I am here on behalf of my father to look into the well being of Morgianna Bloodmoon of the House of Bloodmoon. " As he spoke Myra caught the shift of his eyes as they glanced at Morgianna's prone figure on the bed and then quickly back to her.

"As you can see she is not in the right state to be receiving visitors. I can have one of the guards send word once she is well." She did not outright say it, but everyone got the hint that she was asking him to leave.

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