What Happens Now

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Birds chirping outside her window woke Morgianna from her slumber. Looking down at her attire she saw that she had been bathed and changed into soft sleepwear. She glanced around the spacious room, seeing ornate furniture that made stuff in her own home look plain.

The bed she was on was massive, easily able to fit 8 grown people comfortably if needed and she was just a grain of sand in its sea of blankets. She was alone with nothing but her thoughts, but she did not feel worried about her current state. She had much larger worries plaguing her mind. They had won against Sora, but things she had said would not leave her mind.

Sora spoke of a man who wished to see her dead. Someone willing to help others extinguish her existence. As she racked her brain, Morgianna could not think of anyone she had made angry enough to want to kill her in this lifetime, well other than those she had already dealt with doing her guild work. However even if those people were not already dead, none of them had the kind of power needed to just give it to someone else.

Deep in her thoughts, Morgianna did not hear the door open, nor the heavy footfall's that headed in her direction. "I'm so glad you are awake." Morgianna recognized Fafnir's voice right before he pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. As uncomfortable as it was, she knew she had worried the man and let him hold her a little longer. She sensed that he needed it more than he was letting on.

When he finally pulled away from her, Morgianna looked into his eyes and saw that even with her awake worry clouded his face. "Talk to me, I've known you a long time and I know that you are stressing about something. Let me help you."

Fafnir sighed in an exaggerated manner. "I can't hide anything from you. Even now you wake up and instead of asking about yourself and your condition you just head straight into asking how things are with me. To think I would have such a nosy sister." Though his words were severe he gave a slight smile that wasn't as cheerful as the ones he usually gave her.

His smile slipped slightly and he crawled farther up into the huge bed pairing the spot beside him. It was second nature to be beside him, no awkward feelings even as she snuggled in. For years they shared tents and during the winter, even sleeping bags to stay warm. There was no blood relation, but the familial love they felt for one another was deep.

"It's about Faust..." He started off slowly as if trying to gauge her relation as he found the words. "He is alive and in the dungeon." Morgianna's eyes grew wide at the new development. When Sora spoke about Faust she was sure the man was long dead and turned into one of her puppets.

Taking a moment to organize her words Morgianna leaned her head on Fafnir's shoulder. "What is going to happen to him?" She felt Fafnir tense beside her and knew it wasn't good.

"The people are calling for his execution... He committed horrible crimes against the Kingdom causing many to lose those they love. I am to go to a meeting of those left from the previous council and my family to come to a conclusion once I leave your room." Morgianna could tell from the sad look on his face that he did not wish his brother's demise.

She got up on to move in front of him, not allowing him to look anywhere than her face. "Tell me what you want to happen and I will help you achieve it. We are not finished here and I told you I would help you see it out to the end. Tell me everything I need to know and then lead the say to this meeting."

Fafnirs saw determination shining in her eyes and for the first time since he had heard they wanted to execute Faust, he had hope that he could save him. He told her everything Faust had told him, and what the council had said over the past 2 days she had been asleep. Morgianna listened carefully already formulating plans in her mind. One way or another she would not let Fafnir lose someone else important to him.

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