She's An Obstacle

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After her talk with Dean Bancroft, Morgianna had a lot to think about. For days she walked through her life in a daze, hardly paying attention to what was happening around her. She wanted to tell her friends and get their opinions but was not even sure how she would word it. 'Oh hey guys, by the way, that grandmother I was telling you about before is actually the cause of all this. She decided she liked a human and some god got mad that she didn't think he was good enough so he wants to destroy the world. On top of that apparently, the Dean, which is a woman knows granny from way back.'

Morgianna could feel a headache coming on as she watched the sun sink below the horizon. Currently she was standing alone amongst the trees letting the gentle breeze caress her cheeks.

'Child. I know you are confused, and probably angry and for that I take responsibility. I know it is not my fault for falling in love, but I should have had more foresight to see Eltarr's evil intentions. You are in this mess because of me... I wanted at least you to be safe, but even in that other world you weren't. We lied to you to get you to return here.' The voice that Morgianna had come to know as her Grandmother, Tadea was barely a whisper through her mind.

Even if Morgianna wanted to be angry, she couldn't muster the feeling, at least not towards her grandmother. She knew that the only things her grandmother was responsible for were giving her a second chance at life and falling in love. "I am angry... But not at you. I am angry that because you fell in love with someone the world almost ended due to jealousy. I am angry that my whole first life I never felt like I belonged and now I know why, I am also angry that even now that I am in this world the things that were wrong are very much still wrong. There are death flags that could take my life...and I find that now I do not want to die. In my past life it was nothing for me to take my friend's place because I wanted her to live and I myself did not so much want to."

Morgianna had not even realized those were her real feelings until the words were said aloud. There were no sounds around her as she stood, even the breeze that had been blowing just moments earlier had died down. 'I know that things are tough, but my hopes are for you to one day be happy, even with all that is yet to come, I know you will succeed. I must go now, but even when you cannot see me, I am with you.'

A twig snapping behind her made Morgianna tense. Slowly she turned her eyes scanning her surroundings but finding nobody there. She wanted to blame it on paranoia, but she knew the sound of that twig was far from imagination.

Casting another glance around, Morgianna caught what looked like a dark shape retreating farther into the forest. Even knowing that curiosity killed the cat she did not like being watched and felt as if something inside of her was pushing her to follow. Starting at a light jog, the figure soon sped up to a full sprint with Morgianna following closely behind, still only able to catch glimpses here and there as they ran. She did not know where she was being led, but she could smell the ocean.

Up ahead Morgianna saw the figure dash between two trees seeming to disappear. Pushing her legs a little harder Morgianna exited the forest and found herself standing on a cliff. Looking around she saw no person, only miles and miles of water below her and tress blocking off any view of the school. She felt like there were eyes on her burning a hole into her body but no matter where she looked she could not locate from where the stare was coming from.

With no idea what to do from there Morgianna began to walk the edge of the forest, peering between the trees in hopes of catching sight of the dark figure once more. With no luck she then decided to check the edge of the cliff, thinking that maybe the figure could have hidden over the edge. Her steps were slow and steady as she walked to the edge allowing her shoes to kick the loose dirt and rocks. She squatted down, letting her hair create a curtain around her pale face and scanned the rock wall.

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