Chapter 8

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Alyssa's P. O. V

When I woke up, I went straight to the basement. I just wanted to comprehend what have been happening lately.
Everything was puzzling.

When I headed downstairs to the basement, I started looking for the box where the films and other stuff that may be informative, were stored. When I found it, I opened it and picked up a random film.

Fortunately, I found an old-fashioned film projector.
I inserted the film and turned the projector on.
The first thing that appeared on the projector screen was a happy family who consisted of; a blonde woman, a man and a cute little girl with blonde hair.

I smiled; I like that happy scenes.

But all of the sudden, it turned into a scene of torturing. The family were tied up to chairs and they had carton sacs covering their heads. Someone poured gas on them then threw a lighted match on them.

I winced as I watched the poor people being burnt.
After they turned into black rust, the camera was placed on the floor and a twelve-year-old looking boy came into view.

He then stood on a chair and tied a robe around his neck. He then pushed the chair and then he was hung there lifeless. In the last second of the film, I spotted a girl flying behind the boy. I was confused; this girl is the girl who attacked me yesterday. Even though she appeared for a spilt second in the film, I still could recognize her.

Then the film ended. I wanted to bring another film to play it but then mom came down.

“Alyssa? What are you doing here?” She asked while holding a bunch of clothes.

“Um.. Just checking my school project.” I lied. I didn't love lying but I needed to lie now. I can't tell her that I've been watching videos of people being tortured and killed.

“Can you do the laundry for me?” Mom asked me.

“Sure.” I replied, taking the clothes from mom. I went to the washroom and opened the washing machine. I poured some cleaning detergent in the washing machine then put the clothes inside and activated the machine.

When I was about to go out of the washroom, I found blood on the floor. I turned around and the blood was flowing down the washing machine. I wasn't so shocked or scared because this is what happens to me daily. But I also called mom's name because I wanted her to believe that I wasn't lying when I said that something is wrong with this house.

“What's wrong Alyssa?” Mom asked with worrisome and confusion.

“Can't you see the blo-” I pointed at the floor which was suddenly completely clean. What the hell?! There was just a pool of blood right here!

“Huh? There was blood on the floor seconds ago!” I said with my eyes nearly popping out of my head.

“Alyssa, you're just tired. Go and rest.” Mom demanded. I sighed and headed to my bedroom.

This is insane. How can't mom or dad see what I could see? Maybe I'm the one going crazy? But no, even Lisa told me she saw something supernatural. I just feel puzzled and helpless, like I have no-one else to help me or believe me. Everyone in this house thinks I'm a literal psycho, but why Chelsea acts normal in front of mom and dad and everyone! Why I'm the only one who sees this phenomena? I'll totally become crazy if I don't calm down.

I decided to check on Chelsea. When I walked into her room, she wasn't there. The window was wide-open. After I realized what could have happened, I ran downstairs as fast as possible. Dad was downstairs and he asked me why I'm running like crazy but I just ignored him. When I went out, I tilted my head to look above at the roof. There was Chelsea, on the cliff.

“Chelsea!” I shouted, starting to climb up to the rooftop. I could fall and break all my bones but I have to rescue Chelsea.

When I climbed up, I quickly caught her before she jumps off.

“Oh sweetie, why did you do that?” I asked her softly as I pulled away.

Didn't I tell you not to mess up everything and watch these films? Now you and your family are gonna suffer in the worst ways possible.


HEY GUYS! This is another update! I know it wasn't so fun and enjoyable, but I'm trying to make it better.

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See u later 👋 😍

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