Chapter 13

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Narrator's P. O. V

Emily realized that Chelsea was intalkative and that seemed unusual. Emily tried creating a conversation with Chelsea but Chelsea would just reply with a simple yes or no. When Emily wasn't concentrated with Chelsea, Chelsea suddenly started vomiting a black substance.

“Oh my God! Chelsea, what happened?” Emily said in shock, she ran towards Chelsea.

She immediately took Chelsea home and called a doctor. She didn't know that Chelsea wasn't medically sick, something inhuman was living inside Chelsea.

Alyssa's P. O. V

When I was frozen in horror upstairs in my bedroom, I heard noises downstairs. I backed away and went downstairs. There was mom and dad, with Chelsea who looked critically pale.

“What happened?” I asked mom worriedly. But she didn't answer, Dad was the one to answer.

“Your mother said that Chelsea threw up in the supermarket and then she blacked out. We called dr. Kyle and he is coming now.” Dad explained.

Now I was entirely sure that Chelsea was possessed.

“Dad. We don't need a doctor, we need a priest.” I know that Father Tom told me that a priest won't be able to overcome whoever had possessed Chelsea, but we don't have another option.

“I warned you that I don't want to hear this useless bullshit again. Chelsea is just sick and not possessed.” Dad stated sternly and furiously.

“But dad-”

“No buts. Now go to your room.” Dad shouted.

I groaned in protest and ran to my room. Why do they don't believe me? Why do they insist on disbelieving in ghosts or Paranormal occurrences? I know I was like that before I move into this house, but after this experience, I believe that ghosts and goblins exist. If a priest can't help us, then I'll try to find a ghost hunter.

The next morning, 7th march

I headed to Rose's house to ask her if she knows any ghost hunter or something like that. But will dad allow me to bring a spiritual psychic to the house?


“Actually, I know a powerful psychic. Her name is Terra.” Rose replied.

“Great! Do you know where she lives?” I asked, a little enthusiastic.

“Yeah, I'll take you there.”

We rode Rose's car and the trip to Terra's house was a two hours drive.

“Here we are.” Rose said as she turned off the engine. We got out of the car and I glanced over at Rose before knocking, she nodded her head. I knocked and waited for an answer. After some minutes, I heard noises of locks being opened.

After almost three locks being unlocked, I the door opened an inch. There was a brunette teen who was apparently 23-24.

“Who are you?” She asked straightforwardly.

“Um.. I'm Alyssa Smith and this is my friend Rose.” I introduced us to her. “Honestly, we came here knowing that you're a.. Spiritual psychic? However, we are here because we need your help.”

She shook her head frantically, “No... No. I stopped doing these things since a long time. I'm sorry.”

She was about to close the door but Rose stopped her.

“Wait. Just let us try. I know why you stopped the psychic reading, but just try to help us. Maybe this attempt would be successful.” Rose said. Terra was silent for a few minutes then she opened the door enough for us to come in.

“Terra, I need you to help my sister. Something evil and harmful had possessed her.” I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

“Tell me the whole story, every detail.” Terra said, handing each one of us a cup of tea. I placed the teacup back on the coffee table because it was hot.

“Me and my family had shifted into a new house recently. We were perfectly fine - or we thought we were - until I observed a sinister presence living in our house. I witnessed it with my two eyes - it wasn't just a fairytale I had invented. I tried my best persuading my parents that something was seriously wrong in that house, and it's really hurtful, but you know, no one believes in young people.” I explained, feeling a little more desperate.

“I enlisted help from a priest, but he said that this demon was too strong and powerful, and that he can't help me. So I ended up coming to you, I was helpless. So please don't let me down.” I nearly begged.

Terra sat there on the armchair, looking a little impressed or sad. Whatever, I was sure she was going to help me.



Was this chapter interesting? I hope so! Actually, this is the first time I complete a story! I mean, I had created many books but I had never Published or completed any book of them. I didn't know why, but perhaps it was just because I was young, I Was 11 when I joined Wattpad. But this time I'm entirely sure I will complete this book 😊

BTW, the horrifying sight Alyssa saw was the box she had destroyed, was back on her bed unharmed and untouched.

I hope you liked my chapter and my whole story.
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