Chapter 10

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Alyssa's P. O. V

As we sat down on the dinning table to eat lunch, the deafening silence strikes again. I eat my soup silently, until Dad broke the silence.

“So Alyssa, your mother said you were acting weird lately.” Dad said in a questioning manner.

“And she told me we have to leave this house.” Mom directed her words to Dad, while she looked at me with an impassive and stern look.

“Yeah, right. I said that for a purpose, I wasn't messing around. Something evil lives here in our house, and if we don't leave, this thing will hurt us.” I explained. Mom and dad looked at me weirdly like I was some kind of alien.

“And what's this thing?” Dad asked, emphasizing the word Thing.

“I don't know exactly. But I swear, if we stay here, this thing will harm us. And..” I got closer to Dad and whispered in his ear, “It will hurt Chelsea in particular.”

“Alyssa, what's this about? Are you trying to make up any excuse to convince me to shift into a new house? This have went beyond borders.” Dad stated angrily.

“But I'm serious! I'm not lying,” I raised my voice a little.

“Alyssa, you've to stop this. It's all bullshit and I don't want to hear it again. Got it?” Dad said sternly.

I rose from my seat, “If you don't want to believe me then I'm leaving this house myself.”

I ran outside the house. It was foggy outside, it was difficult to see. Barely seeing anything, I squinted my eyes and finally caught a glimpse of my bicycle. I grabbed it and jumped onto it and started riding it.

I could hear the faint shouts of Mom and dad, but I didn't hear Chelsea's voice at all. That was weird. Normally, she would call my name if I left when I'm angry.

Suddenly all the voices stopped. All I could hear was the sound of the wheel of my bicycle creaking. Then suddenly I heard a voice.

“Alyssa Smith...”

I jolted up in shock and horror.

“Hello?” I called out, my voice shaking in fear.

“You will rot in hell” a spooky face appears right in front of my face. I squealed and clutched the brakes of the bicycle. The face disappeared.

I exhaled a sigh of relief and continued riding my bike. After some minutes, I suddenly found myself riding back to our house. My eyes widened as I saw mom and dad again. It was like I was imprisoned in a jail cell which I can never get out of.

“Oh Alyssa, finally you came back.” Mom said a bit worried.

“No no no no! Noway! I was going forward, how could this be!” I shouted in disbelief.

“Oh come in Alyssa, it's blurry and cold outside.” Chelsea said, grinning evilly. Her eyes turned red which scared the living shit out of me.

I jumped off my bike and sprinted inside the house, going to my room. I have to play Ouija again.

I put my fingers on the planchette and started saying the mantra because I forgot to say it the last time

“As friends we gather, hearts are true. Spirits near, we call to you.”

“Is there anyone here?”

After some minutes, the planchette moved to Yes.

“What's your name?”


Wait, what? Who is JW?

“What do you want?”

Help you

I felt terrified. With trembling hands, I picked the planchette and placed it on one eye. It was said that if there's any ghosts in the room, you can see them through the planchette. It's called 'The eye of the other side'.

I kept looking everywhere through the planchette, but there was nothing. But on the dark side of the room, I spotted a girl with her lips stitched together.

She was frantically trying to point at something. I gasped and put the planchette down on the board. Suddenly, it started moving from alphabet to another.


“Who is coming?” I asked in panic.



HEY GUYS! how are you? I hope you liked this chapter and enjoyed my whole story. I hope it's scary and interesting.

So don't forget to vote and comment, this encourages me to update daily and regularly.

Anyways, goodbye temporarily!
See u later :)

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