From Bad to Worse (Part 5)

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Principal Doucette frowned, like he really didn't want to say anything.

I nodded tersely for him to continue.

"We couldn't get hold of her for the first little while." He sighed, fiddling with a paperclip. "Then she made it clear that she wasn't interested in putting out a missing person's report on you." The pity in his eyes was probably the most upsetting part. "I did anyway, but you weren't exactly a top priority for them. I'll let the authorities know you've returned."

Yikes. I took a shuddery breath and looked at the upside. The fact that he wasn't booting me out, meant Felicia was still footing the bills.

"Here's what I think we should do," Principal Doucette said. He paused, thinking. "Classes are pretty lax this first week back from winter break. It's Thursday now," he clarified.

Guess he wasn't sure if I'd kept track of time during my stay on the streets. Regardless, it was good to have the info, if shocking that I was into mid-January with no memory of December. Happy New Year to me.

"Lay low. Get your strength up. Sunday morning, you come back at 9AM and see me. I'll set a a meeting with myself, a child psychologist, and Felicia."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. I'd been there long enough for him to know that Felicia wouldn't interrupt her life on my account.

"I will do my best to encourage your mother to attend," he said. "She needs to take an interest in this. In you."

"Hey, why not. First time for everything, right?" I set the tissue box back down on his desk, careful not to topple a pile of papers.

"We'll assess where you're at and the state of your general wellbeing. Then decide on the best course of action. Best case scenario, mandatory counseling." He stood, bracing his big frame against his desk.

"And worst?" I pushed my chair back and stood.

"Given the fact you were already on probation when you left? Expulsion. So it's imperative you don't miss the meeting." He paused and gestured at me, palm up. "Help us out, Sophie. I want you to stay but it's out of my hands now and onto official record. Be your best self and convince the psychologist your continued attendance here is in everyone's benefit."

"Yes," I said quietly. "I will."

I was going to have to plead my case harder than I'd ever done or die trying.

Possibly literally. Not to mention that I really didn't want to disappoint him. "I'm sorry," I said again.

Except I wasn't. I felt bad about his impression of the situation but I was furious that I had to pretend to be sorry and beg to stay when none of this had been my doing. I hated Felicia for not taking an interest and I hated Zeus for taking too much of one. I wanted to show Doucette who I really was.

What I was really capable of.

Instead, I shuffled meekly out of his office.

That meeting wasn't even the kicker, though.

Nope. That honor was reserved for hitting the main hall only to find a giant banner of Bethany Russo-Hill draped over one of the school windows like our new flag.

"I'm in power now, loser," Bethany hissed with glee into my ear.


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