Game On (Part 3)

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"We can't just go in blasting," I protested.

The guys looked between themselves in a "works for me" consensus.

It actually worked for me, too, but I didn't believe it was the best way to handle Jack. "Much as I hate him and would love to pulverize his butt, he's Hermes. God of Tricksters. He's screwed with us enough today. We need to be smart about this."

"Ohmigod," Hannah said, "I've dreamed of this moment. Sophie wants to be smart!" She clasped her hands to her heart, dramatically.

"Ha. Ha. Seriously. We know Jack likes his games and illusions. So we need to stay aware."

Kai nodded impatiently. "And shoot anything that gets in the way."

"The best plans are the simplest ones," Festos agreed.

"No. I don't want to antagonize him right off the bat. I want to get this done with already. Kai, come with me. The rest of you, wait here."

They didn't want to, but they stayed put as Kai and I headed inside. I gave a low whistle. We were in an enormous living room, open on one end to the outdoors with a stunning view of the water far below. The ceilings were ornately carved teak, rising sharply to a point in the middle.

The furniture was simple and expensive. Gauzy curtains fluttered along the open wall. A chess board, with gorgeous hand-carved pieces, a game in mid-play, sat on a low teak coffee table. Probably explained where Jack's reality hit Endgame had come from.

Jack ignored us as he poured himself a drink at a curved bar lined with pristine bottles sporting high-priced labels.

I shot a sideways glance at Kai, wondering how he wanted to proceed. He lounged against a corner of one of Jack's sofas, my hand still in his. He was seemingly relaxed and without a care in the world. As long as you didn't look past his smile to his eyes. His look of dangerous intent made the hairs on my arm stand up.

Even Jack, who as Hermes had to be more powerful than Kai and me, hesitated when he caught sight of that look. Then he waved his hand in a "get outta here" motion.

"I really think you should hear Sophie out," Kai said. Totally calm. Totally in control.

Jack swung his gaze back to me, taking in my hand clasped firmly in Kai's, "I get the whole teen hormone thing but give it a rest for five minutes."

"We can't," I said. "Aphrodite."

I didn't have to explain what that meant. Jack started laughing. "You poor suckers," he chortled. "You are screwed."

"Not yet," Kai said.

"For shame, Kyrillos," Jack said. "She's a child."

"She's Persephone," Kai clarified.

"And sixteen," I piped up. "I'm sixteen and Persephone. So no screwing."

Kai shot me a disbelieving look.

I smacked him with my free hand, resisting the urge to hurt myself for inflicting the slightest pain upon the object of my affection. How messed was that?

"Desire is part of romantic love." He parroted Aphrodite's words back at me.

"Then we'll deal with it on the equinox, if we're actually in love."

"Pagan wantonness. This gets better and better," Jack said, dropping onto one of the sofas. "Still don't see why you're here."

"Bethany," I said, forcing myself to step away from Kai.

Jack beamed. "My cash cow. That girl is going to make me billions."

"That cash cow is an evil asshat with magically enhanced popularity," I protested.

"Of course she is. How else do you think all of this could have happened so fast? The second she contacted me thinking she'd use me to make her famous? Cha-ching! Goldmine. I was delighted to let her believe she had the upper hand."

He took a swig of his drink and gestured with the glass as he spoke. "All I have to do is put her on camera and let the people fall under her spell. I'll make a mint for doing nothing more than exposing Bethany's own magic to the world."

Jack held the glass up to me in a salute. "All thanks to you for getting her mixed up with that cockamamie dragon in the first place. Not to mention, since you so nicely disposed of Delphyne, there's no one around to undo it."

"I could just blast her arm off. No tattoo, no abilities."

"You could," he said mildly. "But I doubt you will. Savior of humanity and all that."

"Try me," I growled, gripping the top of a plush chair to keep from lunging at him. "If the alternative is to let Bethany spread her idiotic and dangerous philosophy to kids desperate for approval? Yeah. I'll do it."

Jack's brow furrowed. "Persephone wouldn't have bothered herself with this."

"Sophie is much more than just Persephone," Kai said, with a fond smile.

Melty, melty meltiness.

"Aphrodite wants you to kill Bethany's campaign," I said.

Jack laughed outright at me.

I decided to try the old "catch more flies with honey" technique. "Please. If you do it, I'll be able to get my Persephone memories back and stop Zeus and Hades."

"And I should care why?"

I forced my fists to unclench, willing myself to stay calm and keep my voice steady. "Because without humans, you don't get to play media mogul."

"Fair enough." Jack swirled his drink around, the ice cubes tinkling softly. "Ready to take over the world, are you? Up to the job? And sit down already. You're giving me a crick."

Kai and I took a seat across from Jack on a low settee. "I don't want to take over. I just want to save humanity from all the stupidity. Save my friends." I gave him a winning smile. "Help me get Persephone's memories back and I'll be good to go."

Jack shot me a sardonic smirk. "Ah, but I didn't ask if Persephone was up to the job. That's a given. I asked if you were, Sophie."

He tossed back a slug of alcohol and regarded me over the rim of his glass.

I was speechless.

Kai shifted, but before he could move another inch, Jack turned a commanding look on him. "My house. My questions. Down, Kyrillos."

Kai remained where he was, but I could feel the tension thrumming through him.

"You got me about wanting to play mogul," Jack said, "so you're not completely stupid. I do like humans. And if you're going to be the one to save them, I'd like to know what exactly you are bringing to the table. Or have I hit a nerve?"

He knew he had. But I still had an honest answer for him. "I'm the one driving this train. It's my experience, my intelligence, my emotions that have gotten me this far. Yeah, I have her goddess powers, but you know what I've got that she doesn't?"

Jack leaned forward, waiting to hear my answer. Even Kai watched me expectantly.

"My humanity. And I'm not going to let my people down. So kill the damn campaign, Jack."

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now