For all the stars in the sky (Part 1)

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It began to drizzle. London was losing some of its appeal, and fast.

"So," I asked, burrowing into Kai as he led us around the corner of the building to a quiet loading dock, "are we going by tree or will the gods among us blink us there?"

Festos looked at Kai. "Kyrillos, you have the address?"


"You've got to be joking," I said. "You need an address?" I rubbed my arms to keep warm. Looking like a ho worked better in tropical climes.

Three pairs of confused male eyes swung my way.

"Of course, Magoo," Theo said. "How else do you get where you're going?"

"You guys pop in and out all the time," I said.

"Because we know where we're going." Kai exchanged a look with the guys that was so patently "oh, those illogical females" that my teeth ground together.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Really not advancing the positive data," she said to me.

Kai took over the rubbing of my arms to keep me warm. Theo pulled out the ruler to warn him, but with a death glare from me, aimed his thwack at me instead.

I snatched the ruler and tossed it away.

"Buddy system," said Festos, grabbing onto Hannah with one hand and Theo with the other. I already held Kai's hand, so I grabbed onto Hannah's free one.

"You never hold my hand," Kai said to Festos.

"I'm scared one touch and your manliness might just send me up in flames. Whoosh!" Festos shivered dramatically.

"Possible,' Kai replied.

"What am I, chopped liver?" asked Theo.

If Theo could joke about livers, chopped or otherwise, it was a good thing.

"My chopped liver." Festos gazed adoringly at Theo, who blushed. "And I could just eat you up," he added.

Theo shook his head.

"Too far?" Festos asked me.

I nodded. "Light years."

"And away we go," Festos said with a nod to Kai. Then poof!

In a blink, I found myself squinting against the moonlight. And pissed that I'd lost my jacket because we may have been in Greece but it was still cold. I snuggled closer into Kai, feeling the soft rise and fall of his breath as we took in our surroundings.

We stood on a rooftop patio. Immediately in front of us was a jumble of low buildings, most lit with a soft yellow light and interspersed with olive trees. What really blew my mind was the massive rocky hill looming over everything, brightly illuminated in a golden glow. Specifically the temple at its top.

"Holy crap! That's the Parthenon."

"Welcome to the land of your people," Kai grinned with a sweeping hand gesture. An elderly woman clad all in widow's black shuffled up to him. She had white hair and an even whiter smile. Well, the teeth that were left positively gleamed.

"Efharistó," Kai said to her, and pulled some drachma from his pocket for her.

"This your secret landing spot?" I asked him. "Grandma's your minion?"

"One of many."

The old woman beamed at each of us as we filed past, and patted Festos on the cheek.

"Gay or not, the ladies love me," he said, spinning his cane.

We headed down a few flights of stairs and stepped out onto the street.

Fabulous chaos. Even though Theo said it was about 9PM, Athens was jumping. Tourists in tacky outfits with fat cameras strung around their necks mingled with black-robed priests, families with kids, and men in thin patterned shirts and fat gold watches leading hennaed women tottering on heels.

I felt a tug on my arm. I glanced at Kai, who tilted his head to motion that I should follow him.

He led the group away through the winding pedestrian-only street, between well-lit low buildings in butterscotch, terra cotta, or just whitewashed with classic blue trim. Bright purple bougainvillea grew up some corners of the walls, while palm trees cast lacy shadows.

"Where are we?" I asked, my head practically spinning like the exorcist baby as I tried to take it all in.

"The Plaka," Theo said. "Tourist central."

"Known as the 'neighborhood of the gods' since it's right under the Acropolis," Hannah added. All the guys stared at her and she stared back. "What? With my life now overrun with deity types, I felt it prudent to read up."

"Well, it's not my neighborhood," Theo replied.

"Is she always like that?" Festos muttered to me.

"Pretty much."

Kai turned right. I twisted my head as we passed a large lot, astounded to see an excavation site, ringed on one side by modern cafe umbrellas.

"Ruins," Hannah gasped. Theo had to tug her hard to keep her moving.

I checked the skies for any Photokia or Pyrosim hordes. All clear. "Where are they?"

"You're upset that minions of Olympus and the Underworld aren't trying to kill you?" Kai asked as we dodged a rambunctious toddler.

"Yes. Fish in a barrel here. You, me. Couple of pissed off dads? What, are we suddenly not worthy?"

"Tell me you're kidding," he replied.

"I am one hundred percent serious. We are the prophecy, Kai. I think they should be showing a little respect for that fact."

"By trying to kill us."


Kai pressed a hand to his forehead. Like it hurt. "Theo and I discussed it. Since Hades and Zeus are working together now—or are at least on speaking terms—maybe they think they can kill us on their timetable."

I snorted. "Arrogant much?"

Kai looked incredulous. "Zeus and Hades? Yeah. If you look in the dictionary under 'Arrogant,' I'm pretty sure you'll find a family portrait of the two."

With Kai in his own special frame.

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