What's another god at the party? (Part 3)

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"Enough," I told Hannah and Theo when class had finally ended. "I can't handle more of the Bethany show. I won't be able to control myself." I glanced around the hallway at all the posters prematurely declaring Bethany Winter Formal Queen. With her enhanced "love me" factor, I guess it would have been pointless for any one else to run.

But if I had my way, the only crown that cow was ever going to wear was the cheap plastic one at the dance. I shuddered at the reach Bethany would have if she ever did get to be some kind of media princess before turning back to my friends. Bethany with that kind of clout? Might as well let Zeus and Hades destroy the world.

I jumped as a hand touched my shoulder. "Good to see you back, Bloom," Anil Patel said.

I felt bad given how happy he looked to see me. Anil had been a stupid boy who'd taunted me and yes, been taunted back, for most of my life. But when my goddess looks had kicked in, he became Mr. Flirt.

He was actually a pretty nice guy and easy on the eyes, with his warm grin, brown skin, and cut bod. Wrestler ears and taped fingers not-withstanding.

While I may have enjoyed the occasional flirt session with Anil, I had zero crush feelings for him. It was more for the joy of getting to act like a normal girl. Friendly fun.

Le sigh. He wasn't Kai. That dummy had ruined me for all other guys.

I smiled at Anil, since my feelings weren't his fault. "Good to be back."

Hannah and Theo stepped back to give us privacy, which we didn't need. But that was my friends for you. Aggravating.

Anil laughed. "Yeah, right. All Bethany all the time. A real treat."

"You're not a fan?" I asked, kind of surprised. They ran in the same circles.

"Naw. Doggy style ain't my thang." He threw me a lewd wink. Ah. There was the Anil I knew. "Also, she's full of it. Heard that load of crap about you she fed Doucette. Don't know why you bolted—" He held up a hand to cut off my stammered excuse. "Don't care. We all got our stuff to deal with. Just know it wasn't over her."

"Thanks." I really appreciated him saying that. I sighed. "Is it all over school?" Just what I needed, to be considered the skitzy chick for the next year and a half.

"You're safe. The guys and I hacked Doucette's office before the holidays with this hard core spy listening software we got online. You can get all kinds of mercenary gear, yo. Course, he found it and trashed it. Still got away with it, though," he said proudly. He shrugged. "That's why I know. I heard her."

"Impressive work, Patel. Bugging the big boss."

He grinned. "I've got depths, Bloom." And with that, he left.

"Anil still crushing on you, huh?" Hannah teased.

"Giving me whack hacker tips, yo," I joked. "Too bad he can't hack my brain."

"The memory retrieval?" Pierce had just arrived. He sported a cream tailored button-down with grey pinstripes over grey cargo pants. The colors brought out the green in his eyes and more than one girl did a double-take as she passed him. The fact that he managed to smell like sunshine didn't hurt. "Leave it to me."

Theo and I stared at Pierce in amazement.

Hannah looked at him like she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with him. She smoothed out her expression. "How can you help?"

I wanted that answer, too, but there were too many kids around. I pulled them into an empty classroom. Toys were strewn around the room, while very colorful drawings hung on the walls, which meant this was Ms. Kim's kindergarten class.

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now