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A YEAR AND  half later nothing changed between Ibrahim and I all I ever do is wake up in the morning, prepare his food and do is laundries and take care of the house,we rarely talk and I'm ok with it

I was quite busy nowadays and rarely stay at home because of my project due to the fact I'm in my final year and also working on the divorce papers

I started abaya business a year and four months ago all thanks to social media I was able to market my business I save a lot of money,I was also looking for apartment in Abuja because I don't want to stay here in Zaria as soon as I'm done with the divorce

I took my purse from the night stand and went out of the house on my car,I bought a brand new car not less than a month ago and I am still a learner learning how to drive,I tune on the radio listening to brown skin girls by WizKid and Beyonce I started singing the lyrics enjoying myself as I also watch out for the road

My phone started ringing and I saw it was my sister calling I picked the call and put it in the speaker

"Good morning"I greeted after checking the time to be sure we are still in the morning

"Aishah dad is not feeling fine"she says and I felt like rolling my eyes

"Why are you calling me then?"I asked

"For Allah's sake Aishah stop acting like this,he is your father"

"So I'm his daughter too did he ever try contacting me or try to apologize about the life he choose for me of cause not and I have been okay with that for the past a year and an half"

"He is in a critical condition Aishah he had been sick for the past two months and it only get worst by the day,I don't know what might happen and I don't pray we should loose him soon I'm only calling you so that you can make up with him before such thing happens"she says and I remain quiet for awhile not sure of what to say

"Did he ask about me?"I asked after awhile

"No"she replied after few deliberation

"You see he doesn't care about me and what of mom too she never called not even for once and Abdul cut ties with me too because I don't want to apologize,the family I had is gone I have no business there"

"We are still your family and at least I call you some times even though I'm not happy with you"

"Qadeerah I'm driving"I said dismissively,she sighs as a sign of getting what I meant

"Faiza doesn't know you anymore I thought she was your favourite and I'm pregnant again"

"Good luck"I said and ended the call

I parked my car at the road side thinking about what I did was I wrong or just too stubborn,I only wanted my dad to apologize for what he did for making my life this way

Suddenly I became scared what if what Qadeerah said is true what if his condition is that bad and what about mom how is she doing how did she take it

I became so scared and decided to call Abubakar,he is the only person I can seek advice from

"Where are you?"I asked as soon as he picks my call

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