Chapter 36: "You're. My. Wife."

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"Welcome home, beautiful."

The stage was up, the curtains were drawn and the act was in full swing. His mask was on in front of the whole neighbourhood, that award-winning smile and loving gestures were all props to his award-winning performance.

He walked over to me with that endearing smile on his face and honestly, he was so good at his facade that the whole world would have believed it. Hell, once up a time I believed him too.

He slowly walked down the stairs towards me as I pulled my suitcases towards the stairs, I didn't know what was to come but I knew he wouldn't do anything outside that could incriminate him. So, when he reached the bottom of the stairs and grabbed ahold of one of the handles of my suitcases I wasn't surprised, my hand remained on the puller handle gearing up for the silent battle he would put me through.

He smirked at me before his pearly whites made an appearance in a large grin, he was smiling brightly but his eyes were telling me a different story. I could see the vicious anger seeping through them and his jaw clench ever so tightly. "People are watching Monroe." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"So, I suggest you play -" He yanked the suitcase out of my hand before I could react. " - nice." He smirked and his eyes were no longer ablaze with anger, the now smugness in his expression was making my blood boil.

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" He asked before coming closer to me until I felt his breath fan my face causing the bile to form in my throat.

"My love." He said before his lips finally connected with the lining of my jaw, I shuddered disgustedly not wanting him to come anywhere near me. I moved out of his vicinity with the other suitcase still in hand as I maneuvered it up the stairs not trying to show any sign of weakness. I could hear his devious chuckle behind me as he watched me. "Are you sure you don't need any help baby?"

"I'm fine." I said curtly not giving into his maniacal need to see me weak. "Hey, I just want to help. No wife of mine should have to carry her own bags. Please, let me help?" He said before lifting my suitcase up and walking up the stairs effortlessly. Now, if this was some months before, I would have let him help willingly but I've seen the light and his name is Tobias.

I've seen how manipulative Chase really is and I know this is just another act to get me by his side by showing the neighbours how much of a gentleman he is. It's all an act, and I'm tired of being the supporting actor. "I don't need your help. I dont need anything from you. Need I remind you that I am here by force and not through free-will."

His eyes darkened menacingly before he walked in front of me leaving the suitcase on the top step. "I would watch the way you speak to me if I was you." He spoke low enough for only me to hear. "And I don't suppose Tobias let you carry your own bags or -" he paused leaning closer to me. "- let you open doors yourself?"

I gritted my teeth angrily. "Don't ever say his name again. Don't talk about him. Don't even think about him. He was too good for dirt like you. " I let the words tumble out of my mouth before I found any caution. I didn't care at this point, he had taken away everything from me and if he thought I would bow down to him he had another thing coming.

He smirked wickedly before turning around, walking back up the stairs and opening the front door. His grip on the doorknob was so tight that I knew his fury was seconds away from breaking the door handle off. He opened the door and held it open for me but I knew better than to take the gesture a good sign.

I picked up the suitcase and walked up the stairs as fluidly as I could. When I finally walked through the doors, I swiftly spun around hearing him slam the door behind me. "I tried to be nice and welcoming but clearly that's not the Chase that you want. Don't forget your place Monroe and don't forget what I'm capable of. You're going to talk to me like I'm your husband." He paused before stepping closer to me. "Or do you need some more discipline?"

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