Chapter 3

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm. I turned it off and stared at the ceiling. Today is going to be my first day at my new school. I wish I was better rested. I couldn't sleep last night. My head was filled with thoughts about the latest events that have been going on. For some reason I dreamed that Newton and I walked to all kinds of places together underneath that umbrella and that Newton was smiling and blushing. I guess I can't look normal at that umbrella from now on. I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I did my things and went downstairs for breakfast. After fifteen minutes of eating my cereal came Newton downstairs.

"Look who finally decided to get up." I mocked. He gave me annoyed look in response and made himself some breakfast. I watched Newton move around in the kitchen. He was wearing the same black jeans and black hoodie. Does he own anything else? He wasn't wearing his glasses, so I guess he is wearing contacts. We made eye contact and I quickly looked down.
I decided to put on some black, ripped skinny jeans with a "Twenty One Pilots" hoodie. I wanted to look basic and not go fully dressed up in case that someone wants to make fun of me. I finished my cereal and headed upstairs to brush my teeth. I got my backpack and headed to the garage for my bike. After two minutes or something Newton came out too. He took his bike and said bye to his mum. I threw a quick wave and cycled after Newton. I followed him down the mountain, trough the forest. We cycled next to each other but didn't speak. I gave a quick look at Newton. He seemed happy or something. Calm.

"Damn, you go fast." I said out of breath.

"You just go slow!" Newton sassed back. My mouth formed into a smile. Wait, is Newton smiling as well? It looks like it! I wish I could see his smile. I bet he has a nice smile. I hope I can make him laugh more often. I like when people laugh at my jokes. Makes me feel happy and good about myself. And I mean Newton and I are roommates now I guess so... We got out of the forest into the town towards the school.

The school was a big building and looked very old-school. It had one bigger part in the middle and on the sides were a bit lower parts. It was two stores but the middle part had a tower on it. It had a big school garden filled with students sitting underneath trees, reading or talking. I followed Newton into the main entrance. He showed me the office where I could pick up my locker code and schedule. We then went to the lockers so we could put our stuff away.

"So the school is kind of split into four ok? On the ground floor on the left are the rooms from 001 to 026. On the second floor of left side are rooms from 100-129 ok?" Newton pointed in directions and looked at me if I understood.

He continued: "Then on the right on the ground floor are classes 030-040, and on the second floor classes from 130-140. You got it?" I nodded again that I understood him.

"Just follow your schedule and you'll be fine. During breaks just go the cafeteria or outside ok? Oh, upstairs in the middle part of the school is the library. PE is outside. Any questions?"

"Do- Do we have any classes together?" I asked shyly.

"I don't know and I don't care." He cut me off. He put on his headphones and hood and walked away, leaving me alone in this huge school.

I looked at my timetable and saw that I had chemistry first. I walked to the second floor. While I was looking for my classroom I bumped into someone.

"You good bro?" the guy asked me.

"Sorry, didn't see you." I apologised. 

"Then get glasses."

"Maybe I should." I said and let go a small laugh. The guy I bumped into was about the same height as me and had black hair and ice blue eyes. He was wearing a white shirt underneath a greenish sweater. He matched that with some brown pants. He had some cool jewellery and painted nails. He looked very stylish.

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