Chapter 26

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The story of the boy he was in love with

He ran past me outside. Why would he leave so suddenly? He didn't even have breakfast yet. Maybe he was supposed to meet with Elio, Mike and Owen. That would be it.

I ate my cereal and dozed off in thoughts. I remembered when my mother came to me with the news that she met someone she really loved for the first time in 16 years.

"Sweety? Can you sit down for a second please? I have to tell you something." My mother sat down at the dining table with a worried look. I was worried. What happened? Would it be bad? Maybe she lost her job. Maybe grandma died. I sat down facing her curious but also worried.

"You know you've always been my number one, right? And that I would do anything to make you happy?" I nodded to answer her.

"But you would also want to see me happy right?"

"Aren't you happy then, mother?"

"I am... But I could be even happier." She kept quiet for a second.

"I've met an amazing man, and I really love him." I was shocked. My mother didn't look at me and looked nervously at her hand. What do I need to say? I haven't had a dad figure my entire life. My dad left me when he knocked my mother up. I don't know what to think. I mean... I guess I'm happy. I should be happy! Mum deserves to find love again.

"Ok. So... What's his name?"

My mum looked at me with surprise. While stuttering she continued: "His name is Robert. Robert Tomsen."

That was the beginning of the experience that would change my life. My mum got married in a month and let Robert and his son move in with us. Ashlynn when I first met him was a dick. I tried to be ok in the beginning, but he immediately started with mean comments. I just didn't get it. I get that you don't like to suddenly share a room with a stranger, neither do I, but it's not my fault. Why do you have to blame me? Why do you have to hurt me for something that's not in my power?

"Hi, I'm Newton."

"Ashlynn." There we go. I mean, he looks interesting. His style is... different. Lots of black. I cannot believe mum makes me share my room with him. I protested, but she didn't listen. I don't know why she made me share a room. I mean we don't have a lot of space, but make him sleep in the petrary or something. If Harry Potter could do it, he can do it as well.

I shook these negative thoughts away: "Looks like you're feeling at home here." I pointed at his band posters. I didn't know the artists that he listens to, but I did a bit of research and found out that they were rock bands. I hope he isn't going to blast that music around and is going to play the guitar all the time very loud. I like silent. He defiantly does not.

"Well someone has to make it nice in here. You don't even have a plant dude. Not even a dead one." Ok, wow. Why he gotta be so rude? It was just a compliment or icebreaker. I never do anything right. I shook my head and walked past him downstairs.

The first months were the worst. I couldn't estimate him. One time he would be mean to me and push me, and the other times he cared so much for me like I was his brother.

"They look good on you." He said and added a wink. Why is he complimenting me? Why is he teasing me in a playful way? Why do I like it when he is like this?

"You're turning red."

"Shut up!"

"You're boring! All you do is read. I bet your mum loves me more then she loves you!"
He loves to hurt me.

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