Chapter 27

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In two seconds, I felt two arms strongly wrapped around me.

"You're back! You're back." I let my arms hold the tiny figure that had jumped into my arms. He pulled back and looked in my eyes which were sparkling. I don't know what happened, but he became guilty looking and created space between us.

He cleared his throat: "Sorry."

I lifted his chin making him look into my eyes.

"Why are you sorry?"

"This is my fault." Small tears started to leave his eyes. I moved my hand so my fingers were touching the back of his neck.

"Newton, none of this is your fault. You actually helped me." He looked me in the eyes. "I've finally realised that I love you."

"Wh-what?" I didn't answer. I pulled him closer and kissed him.

An extreme feeling of joy exploded in my chest like fireworks. My stomach made cartwheels and my brain became fuzzy. His soft lips on mine, his skin against mine. His taste on my tongue and in his arms where I belong. This was it. This was what I've been looking for, for months. This is what I longed for. This feeling of love was what my heart ached for. This was better than the books described. This was better than all the romcoms I've watched. This was better than all the girls I've fucked. This was what I needed and wanted for the rest of my life.

"Why... How?"

"I've been figuring some things out."

He laughed softly with tears in his eyes: "I thought that I would lose you."

I took his face in my hands: "No matter what happens, you will never lose me."

He leaned in my hand while I softly rubbed my thumb over his cheek.

"I think I don't hate the bunkbed."

"I think I don't hate the bunkbed as well."

"I know this is a very emotional moment for you guys, but can I please come in?"

"God damn it, Mike. Yes you can come in." Mike walked in with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Why that big smile Gabriel Iglesias?"

"I told you so." Mike was pointing at me and Newton.

"Oh fuck off, you jerk!" I threw my pillow towards Mike, but he caught it and threw it back.

"Oi, Mike, is Ash awake?"

"Yes mate, come in."

Owen came in with a doctor.

"Ok boys, get out for a second and let me check on him." The boys left my room and the doctor started to check on me. I fainted because I hadn't eaten. Luckily, I didn't have any bad injuries, just some bruises and a sprained ankle. The doctor treated me and then left the room. Owen, Mike and Newt came inside and seated themselves either on the floor or on my bed.

"How is it?" Owen asked concerned.

"Have a sprained ankle. Need to go home following the doctor so I will probably get picked up in a minute."

"That sucks man. How can you let this happen? You're such a dumbass."

"Yeah! What were you thinking? Going for a walk? You know how unathletic you are!" We burst out in laughter. Dammit Mike, I hate you.

"How long was I unconscious?"

"Just an hour or something. You're not special." I pushed Mike of the bed. He got up and wanted to smack me, but Elio interrupted our playfight.

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