Chapter 2

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I had been given new clothes and time to clean myself up before being forced into a room with the boss and his henchmen.

"I really should be getting back to the library." I awkwardly scratched my neck as I sat kneeling on the floor.

"First things first, who sent you?" He looked down on me as he spoke.

"I didn't get sent by anyone, I swear!" I showed him my palms in an attempt to seem honest but no one seemed to buy it. "Look the last thing I remember is reading some stupid book in the library before fainting and ending up in your lap." Remembering that stupid book caused me to grit my teeth in anger. Momentarily forgetting the situation I was in.

"What book were you reading?" One of the men who was dragging me earlier spoke up, seeming to be mildly interested in the contents of the book.

"Sh!" The boss worshipping colleague from before quickly silenced him.

"How can I prove I'm not a spy?"

"You can't." The boss replied simply.

"Why don't you just kill me th- oh right."

"Which brings me onto my next question... How did you not die?" He asked and his previously passive eyes were now filled with interest.

"I don't freaking know." I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Last time I checked I was still mortal, I'm just as lost as you are in this matter... sir." I added on respectfully after realising my words had been less then polite.

"Does it hurt when you die?" I'm just gonna call this guy thing 1 since he keeps involving himself in the matter and it's getting hard to differentiate between these nameless NPCs.

I sat there quietly for a second... If I tell them it hurts they can use it to torture me but if I tell them it doesn't hurt then I'll also be tortured. Although, in the second scenario they'll be unaware of the torture.

"Can I go to the library now?" I really should be getting back right now. Cassie is probably going crazy with worry right now, and if I see her again I'll beat her up for throwing that book at me. I think this whole thing was because of that dirty book, I must've contracted some kind of disease from inhaling the century old dirt on that cover so I'm having this delusion of immortality after being kidnapped.

"Where's the fun in that?" The whole room dropped in temperature at that statement and I could see I wasn't the only one with goosebumps running amok on my arms.

"There's plenty of fun in that. I mean what if we play a game?" I proposed with hopeful eyes. He raised his eyebrows before signalling for me to continue. "What if you let me go? And we play a game of cat and mouse? Isn't it more fun when you catch your prey instead of it falling into your lap?" I propositioned hoping he would take the bait.

I know this was not a smart move and I was playing with fire, but I really didn't see any other way out and this guy seemed like he would love the chase.

"You're already such a fun toy to play with why would I let you go?" The cold predatory gaze that gave me a once over sent chills down my spine for the kajillionth time.

"It's more fun to play around with your meals before eating right?"

Ah yes, what was that? Take a right to head to the chopping block? Thank you, I'll speed up a little.

"Hmm she makes a fair point." Thing two who's eyes were filled with worship towards the boss spoke this time.

"...Name?" He commanded whilst signalling for me to finally stand up.

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