Chapter 35

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¡Trigger warning! Attempted suicide. If you are not comfortable with this topic ignore this chapter.

*Luthers POV*
Somethings wrong. I don't know what but something is really wrong. The atmosphere in the hospital was frigid, I couldn't find a single staff member and the noise of machinery that was ever present in the hospital had been silenced.

I had been busy trying to track down the man Kristoffer would've hired if the story flowed as it was supposed to. It didn't work, so I tried to follow what little of the story Autumn had told me to try and force Kristoffer to ask that man for help. But he was nowhere to be found, the man Kristoffer hired was a rookie and looked nothing like what Autumn had described.

Was she wrong about the man? Well the story she told me didn't follow the reality now so does that mean I wouldn't be able to find him?

But I needed revenge...

I silenced my footsteps as I made my way deeper into the hospital. It felt as though something big was waiting around the corner. I leaned over to look into her room through the window in the door and felt myself being chilled to my core.

All thoughts of stealth flew out the window as I all but ripped the door off it's track.

"What the f*** are you doing?" I screamed at Autumn. My heart raced as the feeling of overwhelming fear wracked my body, a sensation I hadn't felt since forever.

Her finger tensed on the trigger and her teary eyes glanced over at me while the gun rested in her mouth.

How did this happen? Where did she get- I shook my head, no time for these thoughts.

I was ready to jump her to rip the weapon out of her hand.

But what if she accidentally pressed the trigger?

"Autumn? Autumn look at me." Her eyes were unfocused as she stared straight ahead, repositioning her finger on the trigger. "Look at me, take your hand off the gun. Come on, why are you doing this? Can you drop the gun, please?" I begged her shakily as I slowly took a few steps towards her.

"Don't." She pulled the gun away for a moment to warn me to not take another step. But that moment of distraction was all I needed as I jumped at her, holding her arms down against the bed. I crushed her hand forcing the gun out of her grip and throwing it across the room.

"You, what the f*** were you thinking? Have you lost the f****** plot, what did you think you would achieve doing this? Why are you doing this? YOU'RE NOT IMMORTAL ANYMORE." My voice contained a panic I had never heard in it before as I shouted at her.

"I want to go back to my world." She sobbed as she wiped her tears away with her arm.

"What the f*** possessed you into thinking this was how you would get back?" My chest heaved as I struggled to keep control of myself.

"H-he said it would take me back." She stuttered as her eyes finally focused on my face and fear flooded her.

"And you believed whoever the f*** said that? Who was it, huh? Who? Tell me so I can go over there and beat the s*** out of him and then f****** murder him in the worst possible way." I fumed while squeezing her wrists tightly.

"He knew where I was from." Her almost inaudible whispering froze me in place.

"He what?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"He said he was from England! He was talking about the other world in so much detail he had to be from there and he told me how to get back. I really want to go back." The look of fear on her face was replaced with happiness and then just as quickly replaced  by a saddened look.

"If he knew how to go back why was he still here?" I asked her trying to get her to see he was talking s***. That guy had no clue how to get back and tried to get her to kill herself in the process.

"I asked him the same thing! He said he liked life here, he said it was thrilling and he was actually playing a game right now so he couldn't leave yet." She spoke excitedly as she remembered the man she was talking about. 

My stomach dropped and I felt the hairs on my neck rise.

"This guy... What did he look like?" I asked her suspiciously.

"He was pretty handsome, black eyes, blond hair." She seemed to have realised something as she looked at me more closely. "He kind of looked like you..." Her eyebrows rose in surprise. "Do you know him?"

I froze in place as the source of the sickening feeling at the pit of my stomach had finally revealed itself.

"W-when did you talk to him? Who let him in? How long have you been talking to him?" A flurry of questions left my mouth as the heartbeat in my ears became almost deafening.

I finally pulled myself off of her and began pacing around her room.

A/N; TF outta nowhere come in with that shit. But that's loif innit. Anyways look forward to the ending doooooods.

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