Chapter 43

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"Ugh... no..." I tossed and turned in my sleep and was finally roused by the heartbeat monitor that seemed to be growing more and more anxious.

My stuttering gasps echoed in the dark room with chills racking my body.

"W-what is..." My heart rate was still going through the roof and before I could register anything I leaned over and vomited on the side of my bed.

"Miss. Adams what's wrong? Calm down, take in some deep breaths. Are you in any pain?" A nurse had rushed into my ward, apparently alerted by my vitals going crazy.

"I'm fi-heuk-ne." A choked sob interrupted me and I felt myself panicking more because I couldn't figure out what's wrong.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is it your chest that's hurting?" The nurse glanced at my hand that was clenching the hospital gown around my chest.

"Mm." I nodded, unable to respond properly anymore.

She left after calming me down and checking everything was fine. But we couldn't figure out what was causing my chest pain.

After the initial spike in heart rate my pulse went back to normal and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Autumn!" My mum came barrelling through the door with her eyes scanning the ward before they landed on me. "I- I just saw the nurse rushing out and thought something happened again." She rushed over checking me all over for any signs of a problem and crushed me into a hug after seeing I was fine. "Thank God, thank God." She muttered by my ear and I jumped as a warm droplet felt on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, mum." I rolled my eyes, pulling myself away from her and caught a glimpse of her expression. The worry and sadness was almost palpable in her expression and looking more closely now I could see she had a few more grey hairs than before I woke up. I felt a little emotional seeing it, but tried to push it down in fear of making her worry more.

"I'm really fine." My tone was a little gentler now as I tried to stop her from worrying.

This wasn't the last time it happened, I was shocked awake over and over again unsure of what was causing the overwhelming fear in my dreams.

"Her symptoms mirror those of PTSD sufferers, but more information is needed to understand the source." I was stuck in a counselling session with my mum accompanying me, the doctor looked worriedly at the tired and zoned out me.

"I can't remember." My eyes glazed over as I struggled to keep my thoughts in order, insomnia and just waking up from a coma did not mix well.

You would think sleeping for a year would make insomnia ineffective. But it seemed even with that year's experience under my belt, sleeplessness would still be quite distressing.

"For the time being I'll prescribe some sleeping pills so you can at least rest and recover. We may need to meet again to discuss the root cause and any other symptoms you may be suffering from." She wrote a prescription and handed it to my mum.

I dazedly followed her out of the room as my gaze focused and unfocused on my surroundings.

Suddenly I felt my pulse begin to elevate as I watched a woman vomiting blood directly in front of me. She turned to the nurse beside her with blood dripping from her lips down to her chin and I could feel my palms clam up at the sight.

My eyes reflexively clenched shut but in my mind I could still see her. Then slowly an image of a bloodied boy was superimposed on her face instead.

I shook my head, an attempt to empty my thoughts. My body wholly rejected the image that was trying to emerge.

"A-are you crying?" My mum stared at me, who had stopped walking. Standing there with my shoulders hunched and head down I was biting my lip in an attempt to prevent my tears from falling.

"No, no, I'm completely fine." I once again shook my head, closing my eyes to suppress the tears and then looking up with a bright smile.

"Autumn, please just talk to me." She stressed the 'please', sending me a hopeless look.

"I'm seriously fine!" My shout seemed to pause all sounds in the bustling corridor before they once again continued. Trying to reign in my anger I continued on through clenched teeth. "There's nothing to talk about."

"... Okay." Sighing helplessly she reluctantly led the way back to the car park.

"Autumn, no!" My hand flinched upon touching the car door's handle and my head swivelled around swiftly as the somewhat familiar voice drifted into my ears.

"Huh?" Scanning the car park I tried looking for a familiar silhouette but was met with nothing but cars.

"Autumn, what's wrong?" I blinked repeatedly and slowly as I turned back towards the car and looked at her.

"Did-didn't you hear someone call me, just now?" My brows pinched together as I gazed around at the almost empty car park.

"No one called you." She replied while signalling for me to get in the car.

I could've sworn...

A/N: tell me why my sister and I spent 2 hrs on a 13 yr old English homework??? Like it didn't need to be that good, she's 13. But my sister start arguing with me about a or the, like it's not that deep!!!!

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