Chapter 3.

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[Dedicated to jazmynchupoco75for voting and commenting ^_^]
Alex's POV
I opened my eyes, I wasn't bleeding anymore, all that was left were the scars. How long was I out? I asked my wolf, Juliet. Two months. My eyes widened. Alpha must be furious at Ass-er I mean Mason-for making me almost dead. Wouldn't want his slave hurt so she couldn't work. I snorted. I clumsily got out of bed, before going down stairs. It would be dawn soon.

I walked a down stairs and was surprised to see streamers and other stuff everywhere. Ahh yes, today is the New Alpha's birthday. Alpha Dan will retire today. I suppressed a sigh before starting to make Nutella crepes. After I finished making them, I heard running down stairs before I came face-to-face with Ass AKA Mason. I winced and backed away a little bit. With shaking hands I put down his plate before him, accidentally brushing against him. With a squeak of fear, I rushed backwards, terrified of being beaten.

He looked up me with shock on his face. I had felt a slight shock at the contact, but didn't think anything of it. Mason got up and took a step towards me. I backed up a little more. Ass had a weird expression on his face that I couldn't determine. I remember the same look on some of the newly found mates before... Oh! I was his mate. My own eyes widened, knowing he would reject me.

I waited and so did he. We stared at each other until finally I decided to speak first. "Can you please reject me now if your going to do it?" I cringed and added "Sorry if that came out rude, Alpha." "Don't call me Alpha, call me Mason." Ass said. "I won't reject you." His lovesick gaze didn't leave my frightened one.

I didn't want my tormentor who almost killed me as a mate! I couldn't live with that. Even my wolf, who should be head-over-heels in love with Ass, didn't want him. I did the only thing my wolf and I thought to do, I rejected him. "I, Alex Smith, reject you, Mason O'Connor, as my mate." I quickly said before running out the door towards the border-line. I didn't leave before, just in case my mate was in this pack. Apparently he was.

After a few minutes of running, I heard a heart-broken wolf cry. I shifted and ran faster, as fast as I possibly could towards the border mark. If I crossed the border mark, they couldn't follow until they had official permission (with paper work and stuff) from the Alpha to leave. Otherwise, they left the pack. I had a good 30 minutes. My scent would change as soon as I cleaned myself in a river.

I saw a river, and leapt into into it, removing the scent from my fur. Instead of woodsy and rock smell, I was now woodsy and pomegranate. I woofed a silent goodbye to the Redrock pack forever. I would never go back. It was time to start my new life as a rogue.

After running for a while, I slowed to a stop to take a rest. I looked at my white wolf's body. It had the markings from the incident on it. I frowned, I would have to change my color somehow. I decided pet smart would be a good idea. I smelled a town nearby. I began to walk to the town.
When I got to the pet smart, I decided it would be a good idea to change my white fur to black and purple. Purple would cover the marks nicely. I walked in (in human form) and requested that my dog be colored black and purple. I paid and told them that I would send my dog in, while I left to go shopping. I went to the bathroom, and shifted.

I raced to the back and walked in. The lady picked me up. (Juliet, my wolf, did not like that very much). After she finished coloring me, I admired my new fur. As soon as the lady's back was turned, I raced out the store and out of the town. Juliet wanted control, so I let her. She sniffed our new fur, approving.

There was a crack behind us, and we spun to come face-to-face with a wolf. And they did not look happy.

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