Chapter 9.

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Mason's POV:
So... She really did want to reject me. I leg her arm go and watched as she raced down the street. I stared after her, feeling numb. I felt as if the world had sat on my chest, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I slowly dropped to the ground, staring after her. The full message hit me, I had no mate, no pack, nothing. I... don't know what i should do. Sit here, go after her?

If I go after her she'll only hate me more. She'd push me away from her until nothing was left, I still hadn't accepted her rejection, so the mate bond was partially there. Most males would follow after the females, trying to re-win their hearts. Mine hated me already, wanted me dead probably.

But what if I didn't try? I had to try didn't I? She was, is, all I have left. I would spend my life wondering what could've been. So is my only option to try? Even though I know it will never happen? What would that feel like? My heart be broken all over again? I sigh into my hands. Maybe I should recite some Shakespeare or something?

I feel like I don't know anything anymore.


Alex's POV:

I walk away fuming from a certain Alpha who happened to be my EX-mate. I growled frustrated. Why can't he just see that I will never forgive him? I have a very valid reason! He almost KILLED me, and had abused me daily since I was freaking two! Since I was freaking two years old, barely old enough to talk, let alone defend myself from brutal attacks!

At least he didn't follow me, John and I get inside our pack house. I lock the door to make sure he doesn't come in. I slid down against the wall, exhausted. It took a lot out of you to reject your mate. I check outside for him again and see him on his knees on the sidewalk, looking miserable and unhappy. I force down a pang of pity.

I will never forgive him.

The Rejection (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now