Chapter 37

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Y/N watched from the window of the Chariot as Judy and Don talked. She was in a happy mood, now that Don was okay and they got the fuel.

She couldn't wait to tell either Will or Carter about her adventure today. It seemed that there was always one waiting for her the next morning.

Soon, Judy got in the Chariot with Y/N and she grabbed the radio. "Mom, do you read," she said into it. "Can you hear me? Mom?"

"Yes, Judy hi. Go ahead," Maureen replied.

"We got it, Mom. We got the fuel. All of it," Judy laughed. "Mom? Are you okay," Judy asked when Maureen didn't reply.

"Yes, yes. I'm...I'm...I'm good. I'm wonderful, actually."

"Okay. Victor thinks it's too late to trek home, so we're gonna spend the night. I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay. Just get back safe, and take care of Y/N."

Y/N smiled when she heard that. Then, she immediately thought of her own mom. She could only hope that they were doing well.  

"I love, mom," Judy giggled into the radio.

"I love you too. And Judy, Y/N too if you're listening, great job," Maureen said tearfully.

"Thanks mom, bye."

Judy put the radio back up and looked at Y/N with a wide smile. "we are finally getting off this damn planet."

"Language," Y/N chimed. 


Will, John and the robot got back to the Jupiter and they were more than relieved. Will had now learned how big of a responsibility the robot was. His dad gave him that big old smile and told him to get the playing cards. 

Will nodded and went to retrieve them even if he wanted to play with the whole family. His dad told him that Y/N and Judy had to stay the night with the team so...yep.

Now, almost everyone sat at the table and John was dealing.

"Four, four, four," he muttered. "Five, five, five, five, okay."

Will pressed his lips together tightly when he looked as his cards. Meh. He then looked at the robot who was holding his cards and started to explain how to play. "So, what you're trying to do is, you're trying to make pairs. so you have to ask the other players if they have any of the cards you need."

The robot looked at the cards that were in his hands and just stared at them. Penny gave a small glance in his direction, looking at the cards in the reflection of the robot's face. Will noticed and he looked between her and the robot. "Seriously? Do you ever play fair," Will snapped.

"I'm so sorry that I have excellent peripheral vision," Penny said sarcastically. 

"Hey Smith, do you want us to deal you in," John asked as he glanced at her sitting in the corner and watching.

Smith just chuckled softly and replied, "no thank you."

John shrugged and they started to play. Smith turned her head and looked out of the big window to see Angela lurking around. She looked like she was walking in their direction.

"Do you have," Will started.

"Uh Will," Smith interrupted. "Why don't you ask your mom to join?" 

"She's busy. She said she had to do some calculations," Will explained.

"The fuel doesn't get here till tomorrow afternoon. And when doe she ever have time to play with you guys?"

Will thought about it and he turned around in his seat to face his dad, asking for permission with eye contact. John nodded and he stood up and went to his mom. "Okay, I'll go ask her."

The robot turned his head towards Will and started walking. "Hey, don't worry. He'll be back," John said.

The robot went back to his spot and just stood there. Penny leaned in and stared at the robot in awe. "I've never seen him make that face before. I t looks like he's smiling," Penny chuckled slightly. 

John nodded with a smile before he heard footsteps. He saw Angela walking in with her hands behind her back.

John stood up and walked to her with a questioning look. "Hey Angela. What can I do for you/"

Angela stared at the robot and gulped, not saying even one word.

"Why don't we talk outside," John offered.

Suddenly, Angela pulled out a gun from behind her back and she pointed it at the robot. Penny stood up in alarm and John sighed. 

"I have no quarrel for you, Mr. Robinson. You're just doing what you think is best for your family," Angela informed.

"I'm happy to discuss this with you, after my daughter has left the room."

"Dad, no," Penny argued through gritted teeth.

"Angela...put the weapon down," John tried. 

"That's exactly why I'm here." Angela dropped her support stick and put two hands on the gun. "To take the weapon down," she finished.

The robot's light's went red and Y/N experienced something strange from miles away.

Y/N saw John standing in front of her and Angela in front of him with a gun. "Robot, leave the Jupiter."

Then, something unexpected happened. Angela shot. The gunshot echoed through the area and Y/N gasped. She couldn't turn away, this was all she saw. The lights turned off and Angela continued to shoot. The robot's face was still red and he started to walk towards Angela. 

The lights turned on again and that was when Angela realized that she had no more bullets. She gasped and pulled it to her side and when she looked up, she stared in horror. Y/N did too, even though she wasn't there. The robot was starting to transform int the other robot. The evil one.

He started to walk closer to Angela until John stood in front of her protectively. The robot simply picked him up and threw him across the room. Will gasped, yes he had arrived, and looked at his robot. "No!"

The robot stopped when he heard Will. He lowered his hands slightly and looked down. He turned back into the good robot and then, Y/N's vision returned. She was lying on a rock in the middle of the forest. Y/N dashed up and looked around.

Just a few minutes ago, she was in the Chariot with Judy. What happened? Y/N looked at the radio on her hand and she saw that she was in the forest right next to the Jupiter.

"What," Y/N said to herself. 

Y/N broke into a run and she exited the forest to see the familiar field.


She turned her head to see Carter carrying a few object and, his parents, right behind him.

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