Chapter 46

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"I thought we were supposed to be taking off the emergency drives in the basement," Y/N said.

She, Will and Penny were all on their knees in front of the window, looking at Naoko (Hiroki's daughter), going through the papers. Maureen had chosen her to pilot the flight because she was only 110 pounds and she was the best pilot there.

Hiroki was protesting next to her, trying to get her to refuse, saying it was too dangerous.

"This is just like the Mercury-Redstone 3, NASA's first manned mission to space," Will said from beside Y/N.

"The first mission was number three? As in, the first two blew up?"

Y/N tried to hold in a laugh when Penny said that.

"As in the first two were unmanned. The Jupiter still needs someone to fly it."

Y/N looked from Penny and Will to Naoko who was nodding. She probably accepted the mission.


The next hour was a frizz, when everyone started to work on removing the Jupiter of its unnecessary items. It was quite fun, just like when they were building the light. All of them had a new hope this time. Penny, however wasn't in the best place.

"You're a bad kisser," she said as Vijay ignored her and started to walk away.

He stopped but than continued walking which left Penny banging her head onto the seat. "Oh my god, I hate this planet," she groaned.


Y/N laid on her back under the navigation systems, trying to patch the UHF radio so it could be linked to Jupiter 2.

She held the flashlight in her mouth as she connected different wires together, making sure that the power source wire was used gently.

"You'd want to remember that, don't wanna get electrocuted."

Y/N sighed as her father's voice rang though her head. She promised to find her parents as soon as she was on the Resolute.

"Hey, whatcha doing," Will asked from above her.

Y/N kept her eyes on her work but told him, "trying to connect this to your Jupiter."

Will smiled. "Can I help?"

Y/N thought for a moment before nodding. She shifted to the other side as Will laid down next to her.

"Here, I can hold the flashlight."

"Okay. Just be warned, my mouth is all over the bottom."

Will chuckled. "I'll remember that."

He watched as Y/N changed gears and pushed buttons, or redirected wires.

"How long will it take?"

"1 hour."

"What if I helped?"

Y/N sighed. "Two hours."

There was a small one-moment silence before both of them burst out laughing. It slowly died down after a minute and Y/N went back to work.

"Does this mean we're friends again," Will asked.

Y/N looked at Will and he looked back. "Just don't do anything you know you'll regret."

Will smiled and engulfed Y/N in a hug, making her cough out loud. "Uh, maybe later Will."


Y/N and Will walked to Maureen who was standing in the middle of the hallway holding a clipboard and stopping other colonists to either correct them or give them more jobs or answer their questions.

"Hey mom, we need Victor Dhar's security password. We won't be able to transfer the NIS and the UHF without it."

"Yep. After that we can move on to setting up in your Jupiter. We'll need someone to drive us," Y/N added.

Maureen smiled and nodded. "I'll ask Victor for the passcode. Oh, and, I'll get you a ride."

She started to tap furiously on a tablet they hadn't realized she was holding. Suddenly, Y/N and Will felt a hand on their shoulders. They turned to see Smith hovering over them. "Do you want me to take them," she asked.

Maureen stuttered. "Is that all right?"

"Yeah, I'm only in the way! Unless, people wanna talk about how they feel about taking this ship apart."

Both of them chuckled. "Okay, great. Thank you."

Smith put her hands on the kids' backs and let them out the hall and into the Chariot.


Judy and Maureen pulled up at Jupiter 2. Maureen opened the door and jogged out as Judy muttered a quiet 'be careful' to her mom.

Right after Maureen found Judy, she told her about her suspicions of Dr Smith. Just had told her about what she and Don had found in her trunk at that Jupiter.

Maureen climbed up through the garage and looked around. She started to walk through the halls to check if anyone was there before she heard the sliding sound of an opening door.

Will, Y/N and Smith stepped out, surprised at the sight of Maureen.

"Oh! Hi Maureen!"

Y/N and Will smiled as they walked up to her.

"We were just bringing supplies back for everyone," Smith said. "People work better on a full stomach., right?"

Y/N watched as Maureen's facial expressions changed at the sight of Smith. Was there something wrong?

Maureen put up a fake smile and replied, "right."

Will stepped closer to Y/N when Smith and Maureen looked at each other weirdly.

"Oh, uh, I got the codes," Maureen smiled. "They're out in the front, on my laptop. With Judy."

Y/N and Will looked at each other excitedly. "Judy's back?"

"Yeah! Why don't you two go get them, okay?"

Y/N grinned. "Yeah! Thanks!"

Then, they ran off, their footsteps echoing through the Jupiter.

"You seem stressed out. Do you need to talk?"

"No, I'm fine. I mean, plus or minus a few variables," Maureen answered. "Do you really wanna help me?"

Smith smiled. "Of course."

"Okay, there's some equipment that we need down in the garage."

Smith nodded slowly and she led the way as they trudged downstairs, Maureen trying to hide her smirk.


Almost done with season 1

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