Chapter 63

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"And you're doubting me why," Y/N asked Will who was sitting next to her.

They were in the hallway, waiting for Maureen to come after she caught Will in the Jupiter. Y/N was already out but Will had caught up to her and convinced her to stay with him. Will was telling Y/N that he didn't think the robot was on the planet.

"I-it just doesn't make sense."

"It does if I've been seeing it for a year," Y/N slightly raised her voice.

"Then why haven't I seen anything. You said it yourself, all three of us were connected."

"Good point, I guess."

"Yeah. I mean, he gave me a scar! Isn't that kinda like giving blood or-"

"I'm sorry, what," Y/N faced Will when he said scar.

Will, just realized what he said and he looked away.

"Will, I-," Y/N stopped when she saw the uneven skin on Will's upper arm. She gasped and lifted his sleeve up slightly and saw the whole thing.

"Will! This is terrible! Does it hurt? Should I not be touching it? Wait, so that's why it's hurting!"

"Y/N," Will said calmly. "It's been a year, I'm fine."

Y/N looked at him uncertainly before turning forward again. "I hope your mom doesn't get mad."

"Ehh, she'd probably just get worried."

"We shouldn't do anything like this again," Y/N put her head on Will's shoulder, making sure she didn't touch the scar.

Will blushed and hesitantly put his head on top of Y/N's.

Both of them were sitting on the cold, stone floor of the Resolute. What they were doing was the only bit of comfort they had.

Will immediately remembered what happened awhile ago in his room. They almost kissed-

Did that mean Y/N had the same feelings for Will that he had for her?

"Wonder what Debbie's doing these days. Must be bored out of her mind. We never checked up on her," Y/N chuckled.

"I really don't know how she's made it throughout all of this."

"Nobody does. I wonder why Don risked everything to help her."

Will grinned. "She's just one...extraordinary chicken."

Y/N laughed along with Will. It was the only few minutes of them having a nice conversation like a normal kid, and not chasing around a robot or something like that.

Maureen quietly looked at the two in awe from the corner.

It was obvious that her son adored the girl, Y/N probably did too. Maureen liked how close they were. When Will tried to push everyone away, Y/N was there to help him. Maureen has never recalled an argument between the two or any disagreement. They had a certain bond that was just too impossible to make.

Maureen walked up in front of them and stared out the big window.

"How'd you know we were in the Jupiter," Will asked.

"I didn't. I guess I was just curious about what's going on in there as you were."

Maureen looked at the two and sat on the other side of Will. Y/N lifted her head gently but Will gave her a small longing gaze and she put her head back on his shoulder.

Will looked back at her mom and she smiled at him.

"I'm sorry we didn't listen, Maureen," Y/N said looking forward.

Will closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening again. "I...I really thought I could do it."

Y/N raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as the conversation went on.

"That I could connect with this robot too. That maybe, I could make a difference."

Y/N reached for his hand but stopped because she wanted Will to talk to his mom but Will pulled her retreating hand and held it in his.

"But I guess you were right," Will continued and finally met Maureen's gaze.

She sighed and looked away. "You know grandma used to get so mad at me for looking up at the stars. She just- she didn't see the sense in thinking about a place that you could never get to. I can't blame her because back then, it would have taken 81,000 years to get to the near test one, I am."

Y/N smiled at Maureen's story and watched the stars twinkle. She couldn't imagine being in a world like that. The new one was just too modified and full of solved mysteries. That didn't mean that all of them were sliced yet. It would probably feel the same for the next generation to come.

"Because the thing is, it didn't matter what she said or if she was right. I was going to do whatever it took to get exactly to this very spot. Because I believed in my heart. That it's what I was meant to do."

"So what do you think Grandma would say if you could see her now," Will asked.

"Oh, she's probably look at me with those eyes of hers and say, If you're up there, who's watching the farm?"

Maureen chuckled and Will looked away from her with a tight smile. "Yeah. So what do we do now? With no way to get that engine working, we're still stranded."

"You know all this time...I've been trying to get us to Alpha Centauri, I think...I've been going about it the wrong way."

"What do you mean," Y/N questioned.

"I mean, I've been trying to do it all by myself. Come on, there's something I think I need you to see," Maureen stood up and Will and Y/N did the same and looked at Maureen with interest.

She lead her down the halls and all of them stayed in a comfortable silence.


The trio entered the engine room and Y/N opened her mouth in shock when she saw the familiar room.

"Pretty incredible isn't it," Maureen smiled at the kids' astonished faces.

"No wonder only robots can fly it," Y/N squinted at the weirdly shaped circle in the middle of them room.

Will walked up to the cage in the corner and he bent down to look at Scarecrow. "There's something I need to say to you. We may never be friends. You may never even understand what I'm saying...but you don't belong in a box."

The robot tilted its head at Y/N who was a few feet away from Will before pointing towards her.

"Wait, What is it," Will asked.

The robot shifted its entire body towards the strange circular structure in the middle that was on a platform.

Will walked over to it and saw the longer fingers of the robot's hand imprinted in the stone.

"SAR and looks like-"

"They fought here," Y/N gasped.

Y/N put her hand over the long imprint on the stone and gasped when she started seeing things. It was that same cave...that same desert area! The hoodoos and everything, it made perfect sense. Where else would he have gone?

Y/N pulled out of the vision and fell to the ground while Will gasped and held onto the platform, clutching his scar.

Maureen tan up to Will and held his face as he breathed heavily.

"Hey...are you okay," Maureen questioned.

Will gasped and looked to his mother, than at Y/N who was brushing herself off shakily. "I found him."

Will ran to Y/N and pulled her into a hug and started rocking back and forth. "I found the robot! You were right, he's on the planet!"

Will pulled away from Y/N and held her shoulders. "I'm so sorry for ever doubting you, N/N. I just wanted to know all of us were connected to the robot."

Y/N grinned and threw her hands up happily. "That doesn't matter, we found our friend! You had a vision! It's all good now!"

Will laughed and went to hug his mom who was smiling and giving out small laughs.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat