Chapter 74

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"I don't understand, how is getting into that ring going to help Scarecrow," Judy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's where he's from."

"Like his home?"

"Yeah I guess," Will shrugged.

"You're willing to put everything on 'I guess'," Judy pushed.

"What else are we supposed to do," Y/N defended Will.

Judy scoffed and turned towards Y/N. "No, I'm sorry, no. If you're gonna be a bad example on Will, just, no."

Y/N gaped and Will furrowed his brows at Judy. "Hey! That's not fair! This is my idea, don't blame anything on her."

"What do you mean? Don't blame her on Adler. Don't blame her on the attack. Don't blame her on Carter," Judy spat.

"I'm sorry, Judy, but none of these were entirely my fault," Y/N crossed her arms.

"Entirely. You've just been a burden on us since you got here! Maybe you'll betray us like your little boyfriend did," Judy threw her hands up and Will exploded.

"Carter is NOT her boyfriend and she will never betray us! How can you even think of that Judy! She is my best friend and I know her better than any of you," he yelled.

"Will, they'll hear us," Y/N shushed not really caring about what Judy was saying to her.

"I don't care if they hear us, I just need to stand up for you like you did to me!"

"Now you're turning my own brother against me," Judy whispered.

"Fine! I'm going somewhere we're none of us will be able to argue and we'll go through this plan. I don't care what you say, Judy, I can deal with that later but I will save Scarecrow no matter what," Y/N seethed as she stormed up the ladder and out of the room.

"Y/N! Wait," Will yelled after her. "I'll come with you!"

"It's okay Will," Y/N sighed calming down. "Just stay with your sisters and make a distraction. I'll get to the assigned Jupiter."

"Jupiter," Judy butted in.

"Shush," Penny said watching the whole thing unroll.

"Y/N, please. Are you sure?"

Y/N smiled softly and bent down, placed her hand on Will's which was wrapped tightly around the ladder.

"I'm sure, Will."

Will smiled and pecked her cheek before pulling away. "Be safe."

Y/N blushed and stood up running from the room. "I'll try!"

Will grinned and jumped off the ladder to reveal the wide eyed Penny and Judy and the smirking Samantha.

"I approve," Penny raised her hand and laughed before Judy glared at her and she slowly brought her hand down to her head.

"Anyways, this mission thing is too dangerous."

"For who," Will asked.

"For all of us!"


Y/N sat in the draped cart and thought to herself. This cart would be going into the supply room and there would be a vent from there that lead straight to a spare Jupiter where she would be waiting for the two robot's and Will.

Nobody knew she was hiding under the cart and she liked to keep it that way. Will didn't know any other kid who know how to fly a Jupiter. Except Judy. Y/N played with her fingers. She didn't know Judy thought about her like that. She always thought they were close.

Her mind drifted off to when Will defended her, almost giving them away. When he kissed her cheek. Y/N placed her hand on that spot. When he kissed her. Y/N placed her fingers on her lips and formed a smile. Maybe in the future they could me more than friends. Right now they were 13, almost 14.

The cart bumped and Y/N grabbed the side to make sure she wouldn't fall. Whew, that was close.

Suddenly, it came to a stop and Y/N waited for a few minutes to make sure they were gone. Hesitantly, she peeked through the cloth covering the place Y/N was in and looked around. The cost was clear.

Y/N stepped out and tripped making her fall. "Ouch!"

She suddenly got up and turned her head towards the door to check if anyone heard her but no one was there. Y/N sighed and rubbed her arm.

"So, what are you doing here," a familiar voice asked.

Y/N gasped and turned around to reveal the one and only, Carter.



"Yep, that's me."

Y/N stared at her kinda ex-best-friend and her mouth dropped. She hadn't recalled seeing him for a little more than a year.

"How are you here," she questioned.

"We got on, like everyone else. Thanks to you and Will. Maybe even some credit to that robot of yours."

He pushed himself off the wall and crossed his arms. "So, my question?"

"That's none of your business, Cosgrove," Y/N's face turned red in concentration before both her and Carter burst out laughing.

"Cosgrove," he wheezed.

"Yeah! Came up with that!"

Both of them gave each other a warm friendly hug and they pulled apart. "I heard the announcement. What have you gotten into?"

"Stuff. A lot of stuff. A lot of dangerous stuff," Y/N shrugged.

"Well, whatever that is," Carter grinned. "I want in."


They crawled through the vents trying not to make a sound. It was big enough for two so none of them were in that much of a tight space.

"I'm deja-vu moments here," Carter whispered.

Y/N held back a laugh as they reached the and Carter kicked off the latch.


As expected, they had appeared in a Jupiter. It was empty and Y/N went to seal the doors.

"So, uh, can you explain to me what is happening in here," Carter asked.

"Oh yeah, we're stealing a Jupiter so I can fly it to the Amber Planet, in other words, the desert place you evacuated on."

Carter gasped and started at Y/N. "What? You never told me about it!"

"You never really asked," Y/N grunted as she made her way to the control room.

"It's still kind of important to know!"

"Well, you're on her now, no take-backsies," Y/N waved her finger in front of his face and she grabbed his wrist. "Oh, I, gonna need to take that."

Y/N took off his radio and threw it onto the ground before smashing it with her foot leaving a shocked Carter. "What happened over 12 months?!"

"A kicked the radio aside and went to see through the bughead. "They should be here any minute now," Y/N tapped her foot impatiently, mostly worried.


"Will and the robot's."

"Do mean that in plural? What is with you, Will and aliens," Carter exclaimed.

"A...special connection," Y/N raised an eyebrow.

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