Chapter 52

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Everyone quietly walked into the cave with flashlights and trays. The news spread fast and now everyone was out to help. Y/N turned on her flashlight slowly, making sure there wasn't that 'click' sound.

She started to move it around to look at her surroundings before she accidentally shined it in Will's face. Will looked away sharply and rubbed his eyes before giving a small 'you did this for what' glare towards Y/N. She just shrugged and made a 'sorry' face before they continued.

As predicted, there were small towers off the biomass surrounding the cave.

"This way," Penny whispered to the small group of colonists behind her.

They followed her to the right while everyone else went the other way.

"I don't remember it being so warm," Y/N silently wondered as Penny shone her flashlight on a puddle that had small droplets of, whatever it was, leaking from the ceiling.

Will turned around and looked at the stone they had painted. It was completely undisturbed. There were scattered noises of people starting to scrape off the poop and placing it on the tray. Hiroki scraped some off and brought it to his nose which Y/N thought was a bit, urm, unsanitary?

"So what do you think," Will asked.

"I think-," Hiroki started before being interrupted by Victor who was inspecting and inside cave.

"What about over here," he questioned.

"We don't know. We only went this far."

"Is there enough down there," Peter asked Victor who was now taking out a flare.

"Well, let's find out."

Victor took the flare gun and shot it, not making too much noise. The flare lingered in the air for a few seconds before slowly fading away.

"We are literally full of shit," Penny commented.

"Looks like we're all alone," Victor ignores Penny's line. "Should we take a closer look?"

"Yeah," Hiroki said as he stepped down. "You should probably stay down here," he put a hand on Y/N head and on Will's shoulder.

Hiroki started walking with the rest of the group as they quietly scanned the area. There was a disgusting squishing sound and Y/N could see that Victor had stepped in something not very pleasant. She could smell that too. Y/N gagged and turned away from the scene.

"It's fresh," Victor observed as he bent down to face it.

He got back up and everyone pointed their flashlights towards the ceiling where they could see many, many wombs. In those wombs were winged creatures that seemed to be stirring from the noise.

"Should we bring everyone else in," Penny asked loudly.

Y/N kicked her shin to tell her to shush as Will brought his finger to his lips as a gentler gesture.

The creatures snarled and they slowly backed away to the side of the cave.


"There's some good news and some bad news," Victor announced.

Everyone got outside to the others who were curious to what had happened.

"The good new is that there is enough biomass to get all our Jupiter's off this planet."

"And the bad news," Hirkoi's daughter asked.

"We have to break it all apart and haul it out of there without making any sound," Victor said for Hiroki.

"But that's impossible," a colonist complained.

"From what we've been through, I'm pretty sure anything is possible," Y/N chimed in.

There were small nods and smiles sent her way but the other colonist kept protesting.

"I don't understand. Why do we have to be so quiet?"

Victor started again and crossed his arms. "Right. Well, there's some, uh...some worse news."


Y/N and Will sat on a box as everyone else went to get the biomass. Will was highly concentrated on his radio, still trying to get in contact with his dad. Y/N believed him, of course, but she was starting to get a bit annoyed hearing the beeping continuously. She didn't say anything, she just thought.

"Will, Y/N. Everyone's going up. Come on," Penny appeared next to Y/N.

"Uh yeah. We'll be right there," Will gave a small glance towards Y/N's direction.

"What's wrong," Y/N asked Will who was continuing his work on the radio.

Will just...shrugged.

"Still trying to contact your father," Victor's voice rang from above them.

"I want to let him know we have a plan," Will replied.

Y/N nodded as she was slightly irritated on how he was talking to Victor instead of her. She never really was that type but, okay?

"Had any response?"

"Not yet," Y/N answered for Will.

"I used one of those when I was a little boy. My friends and I used to send secret messages back and forth," Victor said.

Must have been a long time ago, Y/N thought.

Will looked away from Victor and he shifted awkwardly. "I wanted to let you know that when we get back to the Resolute, you, Y/N, and your sisters are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need."

"I'm sure we'll be good, thanks," Y/N answered with a slight difference in her voice.

"She's right. That won't be necessary," Will sweetly implied.

"I just wanted to say-"

"My mom will be back soon. And once the fuels ready we're going to find my dad...and save him," Will squinted his eyes due to the sun shining in it.

Victor and Will had a small stare down before Victor started to argue. "I think it's good that we think positively but don't let that keep you from thinking rationally. We need you here. We need your head here."

"I'm sorry sir but I'm pretty sure we already did most of the thinking needed for us to get back to the Resolute. We wouldn't have much hope if we hadn't found out about the cave," Y/N shot back cooly.

"-helping the people who will have a chance," Victor glared at Y/N.

"We all have a chance," Y/N said as she stood up. "I'm going to go help Penny. See ya Will!"

And with that, Y/N went behind the trees.

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