Chapter 57

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Will sighed as he played with a drawing of Y/N. They were almost at the Resolute and he was nervous. They hasn't seen each other for a year and he didn't know if she was mad at him for not saying anything after she gave a whole speech on how he wasn't worthless.

It was hard finding out where she was after she disappeared but the got the information out of Dr Smith, or June or Jessica or whatever.

Will didn't know if he could ever forgive that woman for what she did to his family and Y/N and the robot. They hadn't seen the robot either.

"Hey, you excited? To go back to school, to meet your old friends," Penny asked as she sat next to Will.

Will have her a small glance before looking down at the paper in his hands. "I-I'm actually kind of nervous. Y/N...I don't know if she's changed or if she's doing well, and it kills me."

Penny's smiled faltered and she put on a small understanding face. She knew that Will was having a hard time without Y/N or the robot. It was her and Judy's job to tell him that it was going to be okay.

"Look, you guys are 13 now. A lot of time has passed. She may be a little different now but I'm sure she'll still miss you. Besides, if she goes you have us!"

Will glared at her.

"Um, that didn't come out right."

Will looked forward and at the glass in the middle of the room. He's changed too. He's taller, and skinnier and he has learned how to turn a space ship into a boat, and he was now learning how to ride a Chariot.

"Well, Ill just have to wait and see," Will told his sister as the Resolute came into view.


"Okay. So you're telling me that she ate the peel," Y/N laughed along with Samantha.

"Yes, I didn't know she would actually do it but, what do you know," Samantha wheezed.

Currently, Y/N was listening to Samantha's stories of her time before the test. She was young but had many fun memories.

"Well, its nice to know you had a good time," Y/N smiled. "Hold on, I need to go to the restroom real fast."

Y/N got up and went through the halls looking for a restroom.

Eventually, Y/N found a good one and she sat down on the floor, trying to relax. She wanted to see another vision. Maybe it was a clue to something. The robots whereabouts maybe. Y/N remembered seeing through the robots perspective a year ago when Angela tried to rid of him.

This could possibly be a similar solution. Y/N closed her eyes and tried to relax. But nothing worked.

"Ugh, this is stupid," Y/N said as she took out a recording device.

There were saved videos of Will's observations that he made through out his trip in the Resolute. Y/N smiled when she saw the familiar tape of their time at the robot's ship. The small wailing voice that Y/N was now very familiar with was in the background and the robot's blue lights reflected off the metal.

"This is Will Robinson of the 24th colonist group, and this is Y/N L/N. I've decided to make a recording of this because it seems we have been the first to discover a mark of alien intelligence," Will said in the recording.

Y/N skimmed through the rest of the video and she couldn't help but keep the wide smile that had appeared on her face.

Well, that smile faltered as soon as she heard an alarm go off through the ship.

SAR couldn't have escaped again, could he?

Y/N got up immediately and headed straight for the control room where Samantha sat with a confused face.

"What's happening Y/N?"

"I'm sure it's nothing," Y/N replied.

Y/N opened the cameras for the few halls down and gasped loudly at what she saw.

The Robinsons had returned.


Y/N ran straight down the halls to the entering doors and looked around for any sign of them. She really could believe they were back. It was a miracle!

"Hello! Guys! Anybody," Y/N heard a familiar voice.

She followed it and ran at high speed until a boy came into view.

"Will," she breathed.

Will turned around and his jaw dropped when he saw her.


The ran towards each other and embraced in and tight hug as it was the first time they had seen each other in months.

"Y/N, I cant believe it's you. I missed you so much," Will whispered, not letting go because he was so afraid he was going to lose her again.

"Me too."

Y/N pulled apart and they held each other in arms length.

"Wow, you changed so much," Y/N said for she had to look up and speak to him.

Will chuckled and looked down with a slightly red face. "Same for you. In a beautiful way."

Y/N smiled and pulled him in for another hug which Will happily returned.

"So where are the others? What happened," Will asked as he looked around.

"It's a really long story. But, they evacuated and me and my friend were left behind."

Will raised an eyebrow and questioned, "friend?"

"Yeah, she's a few years younger. Her names Samantha. I should probably get her."

Will's face softened and he just realized that his brows were furrowed. "Oh. Okay."

Will took Y/N's hand and pulled her with him. "Come on, Im sure the rest would want to see you."

Y/N smiled at that and nodded as they started to walk away.

"Um, what happened to you guys, Will?"

He sighed and looked at Y/N. "We landed on a planet. Which was weird, we were out of fuel. Then, it came to our minds that it was the blue glowing object the robots were after."

"Oh. Did you guys have a hard time getting used to the place?"

"Only for a couple of weeks. The planet had gravity but the air was toxic. Do you remember, our robot drew something and we asked him what it was. He said it was danger."

Y/N nodded her head knowing what he meant, but was still slightly confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Those were the planets. One was yellow, one was blue."

Y/N pursed her lips before speaking. "Well, how did you get here? You ran out of fuel."

Will looked at Y/N again and tilted his head. "It's a lot to talk about, but enough for me. What happened to you?"

"Nothing much. I found Samantha after two months on here and we just...lived. I tried to figure out how to run the Resolute, which was kinda stupid of me. SAR was also found so we trapped him a few times..."

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm sorry, SAR?"

"Second Alien Robot. The robots were still fighting and they crashed into the Resolute. Our robot was lost but SAR attacked. I tried to reason with it but it wouldn't listen."

Will stopped walked and turned towards Y/N and held her other hand too.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through this alone. I should have been more careful sending you upstairs when Smith was still there."

"Will, it's fine. I hope you're okay after having to spend a year with her," Y/N snorted making Will laugh.

"She was pretty much in her room the whole time, except when we got off the planet. Don't know where she is now though."

Y/N had wide eyes and she cracked a grin. "You Robinsons. Always have a solution to everything."

Will laughed and pulled Y/N in for another hug.

Y'all, I'm sorry but I was excited so here's another chapter! Hoped you had fun!

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