Cousin's wedding?

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Chapter two: Cousin's wedding? (Emma's POV)

"All right, Mads, seriously. This is the last dress I'm trying, I can't do this anymore," I groaned, stepping out of the changing room for the billionth time.


I have tried on twelve dresses and she hasn't liked one. She doesn't want her bridesmaids wearing the same dress. It's cringey. So she's having all of us wear different colors but made of silk. Her best friend, Grace, is wearing a blue one, and her other bridesmaid, Aubrey, is wearing a rose gold one.

"Try this one, here," she tossed it to me. It hit me in the face.

"But you didn't even look at this one," I whined while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Green isn't your color, sweetheart, go try the red," she waved her hand at me while sitting down.

I huffed, went into the changing room and tried it on. It's a cycle now. Wear, show, groan, strip, repeat. I slipped into the red dress, pulling the thin straps over my shoulder. "Okay, here we go," I sighed while stepping out, handing the previous dress to the lady who runs the place.

I think she was getting sick of us too.

Madeline gasped, "That's it, that's the one! Okay, can we take that one, please?" she asked the lady almost as soon as I stepped out of the room.

"Are you serious?" I deadpanned, "Let me look at myself, jeez," I stood in front of the mirror and analyzed myself.

It was a stunning dress like many others here but there was something special about it. It's so simple and classy. I love it.

"All right, I can get out of it," I shrugged before going and changing back into my gym shorts and a t-shirt I found. "All right," I stepped back out and found her paying for the dress. "Oh, Madeline, don't. Please, let me pay for it. You guys are already paying for the flight and the hotel," I sighed.

"Shut up," she smacked my arm before taking the dress from the bag and handing it to me. "The hotel is seventy percent off! Didn't I tell you? William's dad and his uncle own the hotel so everyone coming to the wedding is getting a seventy percent discount," she said as we walked out and got into her car.

"What about the flight?" I questioned.

"You'll see," she shrugged.

What's that supposed to mean? There's only one way to fly from Santa Monica to Miami.


I was tired, sleepy, and exhausted as we currently left for our flight. It's six am.

Nobody talk to me.

I decided to rest my eyes until we got there and opened them to chaos.

"Come on, you idiot!" Zoey's head popped up and pulled me out.

"Jesus, chill out," I whined while grabbing my backpack and taking the iced tea that she handed me.

She knows me so well, she even got me Starbucks.

"This doesn't look like the normal airport, Zo," I sighed while fixing my bag over my shoulder.

"Well tell me this you dumbass, does that look like a normal flight?" she looked at the airplane in front of me and my jaw dropped to the fucking ground.

"This isn't a flight, it's a private jet. Who the fuck is Mads marrying?" I asked as we trudged towards the plane, following everyone else.

"This isn't William's or his dad's. This is his uncle's. The family of the groom is coming in their private jet," Zoey huffed as we got in and sat down.

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