Reliving that night

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Chapter twenty-seven: Reliving that night (Emma's POV)

The phone began ringing and I woke up feeling exhausted. "Hello?" I mumbled. 

"Get up," Madeline huffed before hanging up on me. 

"I guess we're all waking up on the wrong side of the bed today," I spoke to myself while crawling out of bed. I was heading into the bathroom when someone knocked on my door. I glanced at myself in the mirror while tying my hair up in a bun before getting the door. 

"Hello," Nick grinned before letting himself in. 

"Hi?" I chuckled in confusion. 

He's awfully happy. Not that I mind. He turned to me and pulled me closer, placing his lips on mine. He pulled away after a while and I just stared at him, utterly confused. 

"I haven't even brushed my teeth yet," I laughed. 

"I don't care," he shrugged. He's acting very lovey-dovey, very boyfriend-y. 

"Are you okay?" I asked while grabbing my toothbrush and beginning to brush my teeth while he flopped down on my bed. 

"I'm great, why?" he asked in confusion. 

I shrugged before grabbing my clothes and going into the bathroom to get dressed. I came out dressed before packing everything for the waterpark in my beach bag and taking that with me since we weren't gonna stop by here after the trampoline park. 

"Just for confirmation, we're going to eat breakfast and then go to a trampoline park?" I asked as we got into the elevator. "That doesn't seem like such a good idea," I added. 

"Well, the trampoline park is like forty-five minutes away, so I'm sure we'll survive," he rolled his eyes. 

"Who's driving?" I asked while we walked into the dining hall. 

"Landon," he shrugged. 

I nodded while getting in line for the buffet and grabbing the things I wanted before the four of us settled down at one table. 

"So, we're actually just going to this trampoline park to jump around?" Zoey questioned. She and I turned to Landon and Nick. 

"Yeah," they shrugged in sync. 

"All right, you two are up," Zoey and Landon jumped down and back into the foam pit. We were rock climbing. "I'll bet my money on Nick," Zoey nodded at him. 

I rolled my eyes while tying my hair up in a high ponytail. 

"I think Emma might win," Landon said. 

"Thank you, Landon," I smiled before Nick and I got on. Landon and Zo counted us down and we shot up, grabbing any rock that we could to pull ourselves up. I was a little ahead of Nick because I was keeping my eyes to myself whereas he was very busy checking me out. "Are you just gonna stay in that same spot and stare at my ass?" I asked, looking down at him before continuing to reach the top. 

"I like the view," he shrugged with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes before picking up my speed when he began moving again, I got to the top way before him and tapped it before laughing at his loss and jumping back down into the foam pit. "You were saying?" I smirked at Zoey. 

She rolled her eyes before handing Landon ten bucks. This was our last activity here, we had already done everything else. So now, we were headed to the waterpark. After a roughly thirty-minute drive, we pulled up at the waterpark and got out with our bags. The others were there at the entrance so we all got out wristbands and locker keys before heading to the bathrooms. 

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