Summer nights

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Chapter forty-three: Summer nights (Emma's POV)

It was now the next day after we got home and Landon was hosting a party tonight in his backyard. A little bonfire if you will. Like the classic ones, you see in movies on summer nights. 

At this very moment, Zo and I are getting ready at her house since her place is closer to Landon's house than mine is. 

"So, remind me again how many people are coming to this thing?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"Like, majority of our grade," she shrugged nonchalantly. That's a lot of people. Just saying. 

I finished getting ready way before her so I collapsed on her bed while she finished getting ready. My phone began ringing on her nightstand and I answered it without reading the ID. "Hello?" I asked while assessing my nails. 

"Hey." I could hear the smile in his voice. 

"Hi," I grinned to myself like an idiot. 

He began talking to me about how he was excited to see me until I heard Landon in the back. "Oh, right!" he exclaimed, "I was supposed to call and ask if you guys have left yet," he chuckled sheepishly. 

"We're about to leave in like five minutes, I think," I replied while standing up and gathering my things so I was ready to go. 

"Okay, cause it's beginning to get a little crowded," he said while I heard shuffling in the background. 

"Really?" I asked since I couldn't hear any music or anything. 

"Just let me stick the phone out of the guest room for ya," he said. 

The next thing I know, I'm partially deaf. "Jesus!" I exclaimed while pulling the phone away. "Zo, we have to go," I said while she stood up and threw her shoes on. 

"Hear that?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I get it. We're leaving right now, see you in a bit," I said while heading downstairs, to her front door. 

"See you, I love you," he said. 

"I love you too, bye," I said before hanging up. "So, how far is it?" I asked as we stepped out onto her porch. 

"Like a block away," she shrugged. 

"Are you driving?" I asked. 

"Nope, you are," she tossed me her keys. 

I sighed while unlocking the car and getting in while she did too. I started the car and backed out of the parking spot before driving right down to Landon's. I think we could have walked, to be honest. She's planning on getting hammered and spending the night at Landon's and I'm going home with Nick so there was really no point of me driving. 

We got there pretty fast and I parked smoothly before we hopped out and went inside. 

"Hey," Landon grinned, already seeming a little tipsy while he kissed Zoey. 

I didn't bother pulling them apart while grabbing Landon's hand and placing Zoey's keys in it before heading into the kitchen. I'm not drinking that much tonight, just a little probably. I opened the fridge and looked around to see if I could find some coke. "Great," I mumbled while rolling my eyes. No coke. 

I felt hands on my waist before someone whispered, "Boo!" in my ear. 

I would have jumped and I did a little but I knew who it was almost instantly. I turned around with a grin. "Hey," I sang while wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He pulled away from the hug and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips before pulling away when Landon's voice broke through the crowd. 

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