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Chapter thirty-eight: Speeches (Emma's POV)

"Hi." He didn't say anything, just stared at me almost in shock. "Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded but still didn't say a word. "I'm a little scared. You haven't said one word," I exhaled. 

"I'm fine," he said. 

"Okay," I said slowly before keeping my hands focused on his tie and continuing to dance. I go to Landon after this and that can't be as awkward as this. 

"I think I made a mistake with you," he said, breaking the silence. I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. "I don't think I should have told you I loved you when I did. I think I should have waited," he sighed. 

"I made you tell me, Nick. I almost told you first," I shrugged. "Nick, I think two people can love each other and not be in a titled relationship. A relationship without a title is still a relationship. You may not have been my boyfriend, but we were still together," I tried explaining. "You don't have to be my boyfriend for me to love you." 

He sighed while looking around. "But isn't that how it's supposed to go? You meet, talk, get to know each other, flirt, start liking each other, ask the other person out, go on a few dates, ask the other person to be your girlfriend or boyfriend and then say I love you?" he asked. 

"Not necessarily," I shrugged, "And we already did that the first time we were together, why do it again?" I asked. 

"Emma, I think-" he began but we had to switch partners again. 

"I think we're out of time," I said before he spun me and passed me on. 

"Hey," Landon said. 

"Hey," I nodded.

"Have you talked to him?" he questioned. 

"I guess, but there's really nothing left to talk about, Landon. We're done." 

Everyone's attention was turned to the head of the table where William's dad had clinked his glass for a toast. He gave his speech which focused on wishing William and Madeline all the best and what he hopes their future can hold and next up was Matt. I was a little nervous because the last time he gave a speech, he put Nick and I under the spotlight. Let's hope he does nothing of that sort this time. 

"I will save my speech about the two of you for the big day tomorrow but tonight, I just want to take a minute to talk about love," Matt cleared his throat, "Excuse my language here, but love is bullshit," he laughed. 

I saw Jen trying to grab his arm and pull him back to his seat but he wasn't budging. 

"And this speech isn't all negative so just hear me out," he paused, "Love is extremely fragile. If you take care of it, it lasts. If not, then it doesn't. It's no secret that it takes two to tango, especially in love. But the problem with people is that we're all very stubborn. Love isn't perfect, and it doesn't come easy. You have to fight for it, fight to keep it, fight to have it, and fight to make it last, and you have to do it all together. Because if you don't, it'll slip right out of your fingers." 

This speech seems very directed to certain people. Nick and me. 

"It's a short word, and very overrated, but very difficult to define. In fact, most people don't agree on one definition because their past tells them differently. Love is painful for some, joyful for others, draining for some, and for others it comes easy and flows. Like Madeline and William. You two have been together a long, long time and not once has your love faltered which truly is a blessing. But for others, it's painful." 

I don't think I can hear this speech. Listening to him talk about love is only making it clearer in my mind that the love Nick and I have isn't strong enough. 

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