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Chapter eighteen: Bonfire (Emma's POV)

"Night!" I waved at Landon, pulling Zoey with me. "You have yet to tell me about that date of yours," I gave her a pointed look. 

We stayed in the hallway, talking about their date. He had an entire picnic basket, sandwiches, they watched the stars, and walked along the water. It sounded like something out of a movie and of course, their perfect kiss. I'm so happy for her. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," she laughed while walking to her room. 

I turned around, jumping when I saw Liam standing behind me. "Um- hi," I laughed while beginning to walk to my room slowly with him following me. 

"Can I ask you something, Emma?" he questioned, blocking my way. 

"Sure," I shrugged. 

"Did you go out with Nick last night?" 

What am I supposed to say to that? 

"Did he say that to you?" I questioned. 

"No, I heard your mom telling his mom," he arched an eyebrow at me. 

"Yeah, we went out on a walk," I answered honestly. I'm not interested in lying to him. 

He may not be right for me but that doesn't mean he's a bad person, he could get any girl he wanted. He just has to want the right one. 

"Is that a problem?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"A little bit," he chuckled lightly. 

"Why?" I asked while leaning against the wall. 

"Because I kind of like you," he chuckled while leaning on the wall opposite to me. 

My lips parted while my mouth dropped a little in shock. "Oh," I nodded slowly. 

"I know you don't like me, Emma. I just don't think Nick and you should- forget what I think, I just wanted to tell you," he shrugged and began walking off. 

"Liam, wait," I pulled him back, grabbing his wrist. "I do like you, just not like that," I sighed, "We can be friends?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

He sighed while staring at me, "Yeah," he nodded, "I'm there whenever you need me," he gave me a small smile before saying goodnight and walking away to his room. 

When he disappeared into his room, I hit my head against the wall, whining. "No," I sunk down, crying into my hands, sitting on the floor. I hugged my knees, resting my head on my arms that rested on my knees. "Shit," I sighed. 

"Are you all right? Do I call for help?" someone's voice broke me out of my thoughts. 

I looked up to see Nick. "You," I stood up, glaring at him. 

"Me," he said while setting his plate down. 

I gasped, "You ordered chocolate cake," I whined looked at the crumbs. 

"I'll order you one," he shrugged. 

"That's not what I- no," I huffed, "I hate you," I stomped before going into his room which was open, flopping down on his bed, groaning into his pillow. 

It smells like him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked while walking inside, sitting beside me. 

"I just lost a good guy because of you," I frowned. 

"Excuse me?" he questioned. 

"Liam likes me, did you know that?" I threw the pillow at him. 

"The whole world knew that what's your point?" he asked, grabbing the pillow and pulling it away. 

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