Unbelievable, idiotically, pathetically

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Chapter nineteen: Unbelievably, idiotically, pathetically (Emma's POV)

I woke up to my phone ringing the next morning. "Hello?" I asked while rubbing my eyes open. 

"Wake up!" Madeline yelled through the phone. 

"Madeline, do that one more fucking time and I swear I will come for you," I groaned. 

"Get up, sunshine, we're heading to breakfast," she laughed before hanging up. 

If you're wondering what happened last night, the answer is nothing. Like always, I blew it off, joked about something because sarcasm was literally my defense for everything and then I scattered out of there, mumbling a goodnight. I was scared he was gonna figure out that I like him, then I got scared that he was gonna kiss me, and right now I'm kicking myself for running out because maybe if I had stayed, he would have kissed me. 

God damn it. 

I got dressed and freshened up before packing up a bag for tonight before going downstairs for breakfast. 

"Hey," someone whispered in my ear from behind me, making me jump. I sighed in relief when I turned around and saw Nick. "Are you planning on going inside or not?" he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes before going inside and grabbing a plate, getting whatever I wanted before finding a seat. 

"Emma," Nick cleared his throat while sitting beside me. 

I can't even look at him, I embarrassed myself for absolutely no reason last night. 

"Emma," he took my plate away. 

"Ay!" I looked up, irritated at my sudden loss of food. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" he asked in confusion. 

"I'm not," I shrugged, reaching for my plate but he only pulled it further away from me. 

"Emma, look at me," he sighed. And so I did and he cracked my code instantly. "Is this about last night?" he questioned. 

"No, this is about me and my food that you're taking away from me," I groaned. 

He eyed me warily for a second before setting my plate back down in front of me. 

"So this has nothing to do with last night? Last night was insignificant?" he questioned. 

"I didn't say that, Nick," I huffed while eating. 

It was so not insignificant. 


We were at the beach and we'd had our day. The sun was beginning to set and most of us were lounging around, some of the guys were playing volleyball, while the others were putting up the tents, some people were swimming, Elijah was working on his collapsing sandcastle. 

"Emma?" Zoey asked from beside me, "What's going on between you and Liam?" she questioned while looking at him. He was staring at me. 

"That's what you're asking her?" Madeline asked from my left, "Ask her what's going on between her and Nick," Madeline scoffed while rolling her eyes. 

"There is nothing going on with me and Liam or me and Nick," I stated. 

"That second one is a lie. You were hell-bent on avoiding him for eternity when we got here and now he's the only person who you hang out with regularly," Zoey laughed. 

"Well, you ditched me for Landon and you're having an early honeymoon, where am I supposed to go?" I chuckled looking at both of them. 

"Wait, so why not Liam?" Zoey asked, sitting up, squinting lightly at the sun. 

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