Chapter 6

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Serendipity POV 

“Hello,” He says, staring at me, slightly dazed. Poor human. His brain is going to be scrambled for at least the next week after hearing me sing. Depending on how much of it he heard directly and how much of it was muffled by the water. Humans do not feel the effects so harshly if it is diluted by their technology. 

I flop onto my back and recline onto my elbows, my tail slapping against the wet ground. I can’t change again, not yet. Even if I’m out of the water, I will be less vulnerable with my tail than if I tried to change. 

He still seems dazed, staring at me similar to a human in love. In a way, he is in love, but not with me. No, he is in love with my voice. Most humans are. It is nothing I am unused to, if a little unsettling. I use my abdominal muscles and lift my tail off the floor enough to slap it loudly. As I hoped, it startled him out of his reverie. 

“What the hell did you do?” He snaps at me. I burst out laughing until I am gasping for air. Next to no one can realize that they are being affected by my voice. 

“I did nothing. If you had not abducted me, it would not be a problem,” I growl at him, trying to subdue my voice slightly. I cannot learn anything about my captor if his brain is leaking out of his nostrils, however effective it may be. 

“You, little miss mermaid, have not been abducted. You are… Well. Fine, I guess you were abducted.” He admits, still staring at me from nearly six feet above me. 

“Are you gonna fix… that?” He asks, vaguely gesturing to my tail. 

“Why? Does it make you uncomfortable, Mr….?” 




“Your mother named you Fury?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. What kind of woman names her child after anger. Perhaps the anger she felt at him?

“No, she didn’t.” He says, starting to pace around the small observation room. 

“Well then, Fury, what did she name you?”

“That information is classified. Now, why don’t you tell me what you are?” What I am? What I am? Hun, what I am is an annoyance. Sure, you can abduct me, but I am going to make every moment I spend in captivity an enjoyable one. Well, enjoyable for me anyway. 

“That information is classified,” I fire back at him. My shoulders are beginning to cramp up. This is an uncomfortable position, but until I am in human form I do not have a waist to bend at. 

He lets out a small laugh and sinks into one of the uncomfortable chairs across from what is left of what was a pool. 

“I think we’re going to get along, miss mermaid,” He says, relaxing. I want to laugh. He just witnessed what I did in a cage, and now he is being fooled by my appearance. 

“I can guarantee that we won’t, not unless you stop calling me ‘Miss Mermaid,” I say, trying to be civil. I am not a Miss, and I am not a mermaid. 

“Well then, what would you like me to call you?” 

I stop to consider for a moment. What of my names would I prefer he use? Rose? Alexandra? Grace? 

“Serendipity.” I state, making eye contact with him. 

“Well then, Serendipity,” He says, leaning forward. “Can you put some legs on or will I need to have one of the gods carry you again?” 

“Wait,” I say, my brow furrowing in confusion. 

“You don’t want to kill me?”



“No ma’am,”


“Who do you think I am, Miss Dipity?” He says, also confused. How could he not want to kill, experiment, or torture me? Everyone else has. 

“The same people as the last four times?” He makes a noise and begins pacing again, thinking. 

“Well, I don’t know who the last four times were, but we, are Shield.” He says, crouching down to make eye contact with me. 

“Shield?” I say. “What are you shielding?” He laughs. 

“It is an acronym. Stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. S.H.I.E.L.D wants nothing more than to talk about you and your abilities.” He says, rising again and walking over to a cupboard. He pulls out a cup and turns to me. 

“What would you like to drink, Miss Dipity?” 

“Do you happen to have any ocean water on hand?” I ask, hopeful. If I go too long without water of any kind, I begin to suffer from immediate and violent dehydration. I prefer ocean water, just because it tastes more natural to me. 

He gives me a puzzled look, but pulls out a pitcher of water. 

“I do not, is tap water okay?” He seems to genuinely care. I’ve never met someone who cares. 

“Umm, yes?” I clear my throat. “Yes, tap is acceptable.” I state, trying to seem in control. Why does he care? He pours some of the water from the pitcher and hands it to me. I guzzle it. I need to keep my water levels high here or I will be much easier to control. 

He gestures towards my cup with the pitcher and I eagerly hold it out. He fills it again, I drink it again, and then hold it out again. He chuckles, and takes my cup to hand me the pitcher instead. 

“Is there anything else I can get you, Miss Dipity?” He asks me as I down the rest of the pitcher. I consider for a moment before answering. 

“Could you get me some clothes?” 

*Sorry it's kinda short*

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