Chapter 26

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Loki POV

I sigh, shaking my head. I knock on the door, studying the address sign. 177a Bleecker Street. The moment my hand lifts from the wood, the door flies open. I hesitantly step in, trying to stay alert. 

“Loki Odinson,” comes an ominous voice from somewhere within the house. I internally roll my eyes. Someone’s information is outdated. I turn around, trying to pinpoint the origin on the sound. When I turn back to face the main staircase, he’s waiting there. Stephan Strange. 

“What do you want?” He says, annoyed yet curious. I once again fight back the urge to groan. 

“I need your help.” I tell him. “Can you help me find someone?” He quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t turn me away. 

“Who, and why?” He says, suspicious. 

“My-“ Ridiculous. I can’t call her my girlfriend in front of this man. "My friend, euh, Serendipity. She’s a siren. She’s somewhere in the ocean. I can track people on the surface of any planet, but liquids are out of my hands.” I admit, slightly embarrassed there is something I can’t do. Even my magic must have it’s limits. 

“Alright, I’ll play along. I’ll need an organic sample from her. A hair is usually easiest to obtain, but-“

“Would a scale work?” I ask, holding out a small bag that contains several scales i collected from her apartment. 

“A bit unorthodox, but it should. What’s your connection to this, Serendipity?” Stephan asks over his shoulder. 

“Oh, well… we’re courting,” I shrug, acting nonchalant. 

“Ah,” He says, nodding as if that makes sense. I honestly expected more of an interrogation from-

“You wouldn’t happen to be mind controlling her or anything?” He asks, pausing his motions for a moment. There it is. 

“Why does everyone ask that??” I cry. “Can’t I court a woman in peace?!” Stephan raises his palms in self defense, working on weaving a portal. He throws an orange circle throwing off sparks into the air, and it opens onto a beach. 

“That’s the best I can do,” He says, gesturing to his gateway. I nod, and head towards the portal, but he taps me on the shoulder and I turn back. 

“Don’t take her for granted.” He whispers, conspiring. I nod, understanding his warning as I thumb through his surface memories. I try not to do that, but I trust this man as far as I can throw him. I step through the portal, momentarily confused at the feeling of sand under one foot and wood under the other. The moment I get my leg through it snaps shut behind me, leaving me on an empty beach. 

Time to go swimming. Again. 

Serendipity POV 

I feel guppies nipping at my nose, and swat them away, trying to go back to sleep. But there are persistent guppies, so I sit up, greeted by a wave of happiness. I laugh, sliding out of my car and into the water. I’m surprisingly well-rested. Amazing what a full night of not-stressful sleep can do!

Floating lazily around, I realize that my muscles are nowhere near as cramped as they were yesterday. It is probably time to surface. I slowly swim towards the surface, not looking forward to leaving again. Orienting myself, I spot a beach nearby. I can change and crawl out of the water as if I’d been swimming. Glancing down at myself, I debate a salt dress. My scales cover my waist and most of my breasts, which is new. Only the oldest guardians have that many scales. I guess I’ve been doing this a long time. 

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