Chapter 47

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"I wonder how long we're going to be out here," I say, simply thinking out loud. I stretch my back like a feline and look at Loki, trying to read him. He's also relaxing in the current, and it's almost peaceful here if we ignore the impending doom.

"Loki?" I say after a moment when he doesn't respond. He's probably sleeping, although I don't entirely understand why. We've only been awake for around 20 hours, and that's nothing compared to how long he usually stays awake. Well, it isn't a huge deal. We've been in this stupid current for a few hours, because he's sore from having me pull him along. Who cares that it's over three times as fast as the current, and we need to get to the sandbar, but no. Loki's arm hurts, so we have to rest. I wasn't even going that fast! If anyone should be tired, it's me, because I've spent the last three days hauling him around and keeping air bubbles so he won't drown. In a way, it's like having a pet. I feed the pet and walk- well, swim the pet, and I keep oxygen right in front of his face all the time.

Despite my complaints, it is wonderful to have Loki back. We haven't had an incident since the one right before I stole him, and his eyes are 100% green. I don't think I really fully understood how much I needed him by my side until he was gone. Now that he's here again... well, I feel home. Home has been dozens of things for me. Home was a little mud hut in the middle of a forest, and then home was a cave off the coast of Africa, and then home was the entire coast of Africa, and so on until now. Now, home is something else. Home is... home is where my heart is.

You know what, I'm bored, so I'm going to get out of the current. I don't know what I'm going to do outside the current, but I'm going to do something besides sit here under my hair turns grey.

Well, actually it won't, but that's besides the point.

I dive out of the current, immediately getting confused with how I'm moving. I was getting used to the constant movement of the current, now I have to actually move. This is gonna be fun. I coil up my tail and spring up, spiraling around the current and by it, but always keeping Loki within my range of sight. If he wakes up or I forget about the air bubble, that would be bad. For many reasons, but it would be very bad.

I haven't moved this freely in a couple days, it feels wonderful. I push my tail as hard as I can, feeling the muscles work. I'm zipping through the water, feeling the salt on my skin and how natural the cold feels to me. I glance over at Loki, to make sure he's ok, and he is.

I bit my lip, debating if I should do it...

Oh, who cares! I curl up my tail and push myself to go straight up. Up and up and up and up until I breach, and I go flying several feet above the water. I look around in the open water. This part of the ocean is my favorite, because it rarely has anyone in it, so I don't have to worry about hiding. I spin in the air, soaking up every inch of the open water.

What's that?

There's a black something on the horizon, heading for us. I frown. Maybe it's just a fishing boat? At any rate, they're far away. In the split second before I hit the water again, I suck out a spot small enough for me, so I can minimize the splash. I fall in, the water wraps around me, and I dive down to Loki. He probably should be aware of this.

I slip back into the current, coughing as I switch back to air, and shake his shoulder gently.

"Loki!" I whisper-hiss at him, stuck between not startling him and needing to figure out what we should do.

"Loki!" I say again, this time louder. It gets him, and his eyes jump open, he flies up positions himself as if he had a knife. I burst out laughing, laughing, and laughing until my stomach hurts.

"You don't have magic, idiot," I get out between laughs. He shakes his head and sits back down as I collect myself.

"What?" Loki says, grouchy.

"Aww, does somebody need another nappy?" I ask in a babying voice. "No, actually I just went on the surface, and there's a boat or something. It's probably nothing, but I figured I should tell you." I say, gesturing towards where I saw it.

"How close did you get?"

"Not very, it was barely on the horizon,"

"Go look then, just don't let them see you."

"And leave you to drown?"

"I can tread water at the surface for a few minutes,"

"Want me to get you up there?"


I laugh, but take Loki's hands and pull him up after me. At the last moment, he scoops up the bag from the current too, and then I kind of sling him towards the surface and surface with him.

"You good?" I ask before I leave him stranded many many miles from land with no magic. Loki catches me off guard by gently pulling me to him and pressing his lips to mine. My heart speeds up as I lean into him, and time slows to a stop. I haven't kissed him since the day we recovered the staff. I pull back to make both of us breathe, and we float there, just staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you," I whisper to him. It's starting to feel like he's back to normal.

"Oh, I know," Loki says with a smirk. I scoff and shove him in the water, laughing. "Now go," He says, gesturing to the ship. I nod and go back under the water, speeding off.

It might have been my imagination, but I think I heard him say 'I love you' back.

I go as fast as I comfortably can, using both my tail and pushing myself through the water, I come upon the ship in mere minutes. I look towards where we came from and I can still make out Loki, just barely, but I know he's there. I carefully pull myself to the surface, taking great care to stay in the shadows of the ship. I break the surface, and the ship is just as black as I thought it was, yep, that it black.

I pull myself around the hull, seeing if there's anything to tell me what it's doing here. I get to the very back, and there's a logo. A very big, very white, very serious eagle.

All I can think as I dive back down is 'stercore.'

S.H.I.E.L.D. has almost found us. 

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