Chapter 23

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The sound of my door creaking as it opens sends me flying out of my bed. I pull my gun out from the drawer in my nightstand, turning off the safety and ready to shoot without even thinking. I creep forward, peering around my door. I hear someone walking in the kitchen. I keep the gun pointed in front of me, walking towards the kitchen in just a t-shirt and my underwear. 

As I get ready to round the corner, my heart starts speeding up. I tighten my grip and pop around the corner, only to exhale in relief. 

“You scared the scales off of me, Loki!” I shout in exasperation at the man in my kitchen. He turns around, snickering. 

“I’m not joking! I am literally shedding!” I cry, pointing to the three scales that flaked off of me with my gun. I set the gun on the table roughly, letting it clatter, and i turn to go back to my bed, angry. A cold hand wraps around my wrist, gently tugging me back into the kitchen. 

“I apologize,” Loki says, quiet and sincere. His hand slides down to intertwine our fingers. “I did not mean to scare you, darling.” I breathe deeply, trying to calm down. 

“I know, I’m sorry I snapped at you. I haven’t been sleeping very well,” I admit. Loki frowns, concerned. I wave him off. “I’m gonna go back to sleep for a couple hours, don’t worry about it, hun,” I tell him, yawning. He nods, and lets go of my hand. As I head down the hall, he calls after me. 

“And maybe acquire some trousers while you’re down there, perhaps?” He suggests, and I can hear the smile on his face as mine turns tomato red. I glance down at myself, realizing I don’t have actual trousers on. 

I just pointed a gun at my boyfriend in my underwear. I need to get it together. I gently close the door behind me. I rest my forehead against the metal. I am really tired.  I turn around to go to bed again, and I realize that I’m shedding. A lot. There are scales all over my sheets. I sigh, and just pull the blankets over it and collapse on top of it. 

Sitting up from my bed, I glance at the clock and note that I slept for three hours. I do feel better now, though. I go to open my door and head out, before I blush and remember what happened earlier. I silently close the door and find some baggy pajama pants. These are really fuzzy. I walk back to the kitchen, feeling the pants pool around my feet. 

Loki isn’t in the kitchen, so I go to the living room. He isn’t there either. Then I check the bathroom, and still nothing. I check the pool, even though he doesn’t go in it without me, and he isn’t there either. Frowning, I head outside and knock on his door. 

“Little witch?” He calls from somewhere inside. Butterflies are already kicking up dust in my stomach, Every time I see him, it feels like the first day I saw him. He just walks in here and steals my heart… I should be angry… but I know that I have his too. 

“Yeah, it’s me,” I respond. I hear his feet thudding across the floor, heading to the door. It swings open, and Loki grabs my hands, pulling me in with him. He’s right there, and he’s mine. His beautiful green eyes are mine. He’s mine, and it makes me unexplainably giddy, just the thought of him.

“Whatcha doing?” I ask him, already just enjoying his presence.

“Kissing you.” He responds, smiling. I laugh as he takes my face in his hands, pulling me towards him and bending down slightly so we meet in the middle. I kiss him, both of us smiling wide through it. When we finally stop, coming up for air, I suddenly feel very lightheaded, and my knees buckle. Before I actually hit the ground, Loki jumps into action, sweeping me up and taking me to his bed- the only thing even remotely resembling a couch in his apartment. 

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