Chapter 14

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Loki POV

As I awaken, I realize that I feel well rested, which is, frankly, a miracle. I do not wish to tell her, but carrying the little witch as we left the beach was quite a lot of work, much less keeping up illusions the whole time. The last… three? I think it was three. The last three days have given me an eye opening glimpse into her life. I now understand why she has been reacting the way she has. I was absolutely terrified on several occasions, and they weren’t even after me! I wish that we had taken more steps to get her to talk to us that first night, instead of taking the route of brute force. 

She is a funny little witch. She can summon water from the earth and use it to defend herself. She can sing anyone she wishes to their doom. She can swim faster than most human cars can drive, and yet… she only splashes water in my face; she is terrified if she thinks that her voice has done something to me; and she pulls me along with her as she swims. 

As I attempt to sit up, I realize that said witch is using me as a pillow. I smirk, but lay back down. I don’t want to wake her up. She needs sleep as much as I do, and I doubt she ever feels safe enough to sleep for very long. She looks calm and peaceful right now. If you ignored the splatters of scales over her body, you’d think that she’s just another woman. 

As I’m staring down at her, I realize that her hair is actually blue. I thought perhaps that she dyes it, but it is actually a deep blue. Maybe it’s a side affect of whatever she is. I hope she never finds out what I am. She would be disgusted, and I would never see her again. It’s not an option for her to find out. 

Serendipity begins to stir, and I lay back, waiting for her to awaken. As she yawns and opens her eyes, I smirk.

“How did you sleep?” She bolts up, and looks back and forth from my face to where her head had laid on my chest, blushing a furious red. 

“I- uh,” She licks her lips, trying to come up with an answer. “I’m gonna, uh, go to the, um, bathroom,” She says, before jumping up and running to the bathroom. I stand up and creep through the room, trying to not step on any of the dozens of spots on the floor that make noise. I can hear her muttering about something, and I want to know what. So I press my ear against the door of the bathroom, and realize that she’s mostly swearing at herself. I can’t tell what languages she is using, but I understand the sentiment she is expressing. I hear the sink turn on and head back to the bed, trying to act like I don’t know how embarrassed she is about sleeping on me. 

Personally I quite enjoyed the experience, but that’s not important. Now we have to figure out how to proceed. In the short term, we need to find this human ‘Lacy,’ but then we have to find our way back to the S.H.I.E.L.D base in New York, and we have to do both of these without being found by any of what are probably dozens of groups who want the little witch dead. Or do they? What if they don’t want to kill her. What if they want to experiment on her? We will have to discuss this possibility with the pirate. As annoying as he is, this is something he knows how to take care of. 

My head snaps towards the door as a knock sounds on it. Who could that be? We don’t know anyone here. I summon a knife and head to the door. I open it a crack, just enough to see who is outside. It’s an older woman, probably harmless. I dismiss the knife and pull the door the rest of the way open. 

“Who are you?” She asks me, visibly confused. What do I say? I can’t just tell her the whole ‘I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious pupose’ line. 

“Hey, Serendipity,” I call over my shoulder. “Could you come her for a moment?” I give the woman an awkward look as I hear the water turn off and the door open. 

“What’s wrong, Lok-“ She pauses before dashing to the woman and pulling her into a hug. “Oh my gosh, Lacey! I haven’t seen you in forever!” They both laugh and Serendipity ushers the woman back into the room. 

“What happened, Grace?” Human Lacey asks her. Grace? Her name is Serendipity, not Grace. 

“We just needed a place to crash for the night, we’ve had a long day and couldn’t make it home before it was too dark,” The lies roll off her tongue, and I’m almost proud of her. “I hope it was ok?” Serendipity asks her. 

“Oh of course, you know the rules,” Lacey says with a gracious smile. “I just wanted to see who stopped in.” She looks me over, before turning to Serendipity and telling her,

“Can I borrow your boyfriend sometime?” With a suggestive smile. Serendipity and I both blush and stutter as we try to explain that we aren’t together like that. 

“Uh-huh, sure,” Lacey says, obviously being sarcastic. “Well, I’ve got to make the rounds, kick people out, you know the rules! It was nice seeing you, darling,” Lacey says, before heading back out to the hallway. I close the door and turn to the little witch. 

“Grace?” I ask her with a smirk. 

“Hey, it’s just a name! They change a lot, ok?” She says, defensive. 

“What is your actual name, then?” I ask, serious. Now it’s her turn to smirk. 

“That’s classified,” She says. 

“Oh, come on! You can’t just say ‘it’s classified’ whenever you don’t want to answer a question!” I tell her, mock angry. 

“But I just did!” She says, giggling. “Now come on, we need to get back to S.H.I.E.L.D,” 

The Call [Loki x Siren Fanfiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora