Chapter 31

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It’s only been two days since we noticed the staff was missing, but it’s felt like an eternity with all of S.H.I.E.L.D. stuck on the ship. I’m still camped out in Nat’s room every night, but I go back to my room during working hours so I can have some kind of normal. Fury won’t let anyone off the Helicarrier, not even Nat or me or Loki or Clint or himself. He’s very stern on the no-one-leaves-until-we-find-it-policy. 

There’s been random room searches set up now, they spin a wheel and bust into a room searching for a magic stick. Well, I don’t know if they actually spin a wheel, but that’s basically how it works.

I’ve hardly seen Loki since we got back. He’s been holed up in his room almost the entire time, but he teleports to the mess hall every once in a while. I’m worried about him. Nat hasn’t said anything, but I know she’s thinking it. Why have Loki and I not been talking?

Jokes on her, I don’t know either. 

Running across the pool floor again exactly like I was told not to, I jump off the edge and straighten my body, dropping to the bottom of the pool. I exhale air and inhale water, slinking across the pool floor as I think. Something is wrong with Loki. This is the man who broke into an abandoned warehouse, killed three guys, and rode home in the back of an empty semi-truck; all because I was kidnapped. 

The same man who nervously asked if I wanted to court him. The man who poured through dozens of books, reading everything he could about me. And now he won’t even talk to me. 

You know what, I think as I pull myself to the surface. I’m done not knowing. I clumsily pull myself out of the water, marching to my room in search of some real clothes. I pull a pair of jeans on over my swim bottoms, and decide at the last second to grab a shirt as well. Pulling it over my head, I can already feel my hair soaking it. 

Slipping across the cold hard floor, I go to the kitchen sink. I turn on the water, holding my hand under it. Am I sure this is the best idea? Maybe I should go knock on the door again?

No. I need answers. Even if they’re going to be ones I don’t like. I close my eyes, feeling the water on my hand, and imagining the water in Loki’s sink. I try to visualize his room, the grey walls and yellow curtains, books strewn around the room. Suddenly the ground under my shifts, and I stumble backwards as I hear a surprised shout from behind me. Turning around, I awkwardly wave. 

“Hey…” I say, unsure what I’m doing. 

“What do you want?” He says, already impatient. 

“To talk to you.” I tell him, trying to ignore his mood. 

“No. Please leave,” Loki says, already turning back to his book. 

“I’m not leaving until I talk to you.” I tell him, leaning back on his counter as if I’m never leaving it again. 

“How wonderful that we’ve spoken then,” He deadpans. “Please get out.” Loki says, sounding ticked. 

“No. Why don’t you want to talk to me?” I demand, getting angry as well. 

“I just don’t!” He declares, setting his book aside and standing up. 

“I deserve to know why!” I fire back. “We’re courting, Loki.” I say. “I have a right to know why you won’t talk to me,”

“I just don’t, now leave.” He says, pulling a knife from his sleeve. “I will stab you and we both know it. You’ll heal. Please leave.” 

He’s right, I would heal, but I don’t think he would stab me. Even if he’s mad. I cross my arms, planting myself in his kitchen. Casually glancing around, I spot a cup of water by the fridge. I don’t reach to it just yet. 

Loki dives forward, knife stretched towards me. I duck under his arm, calling the water over to assist. I splash him in the face, making him disoriented, and get in his blind spot again. I pull the water into a thin rope, holding it under his chin. He turns around, looking amused. 

“What are you going to do, take me swimming?” Loki asks, bored. I grit my teeth and take a drop to his hand, pulling it across the skin. After a few moments, the blood flows freely, and he looks concerned. 

“Please just talk to me!” I beg him, one hand outstretched to help me remember to keep the water in place.  

“No, now get out!” He says, trying to act in control. I pinch the bridge of my nose, spinning in a slow circle. How do I make him talk to-

What’s that?

Down the hall, there’s a blue light. Forgetting the armed boyfriend, I walk towards it, trying to convince myself that’s not what I think it is. Loki grabs the collar of my shirt, trying to stop me. I shrug out of it, running down the hall. That’s the light. 

Leaning against the wall in his bathroom, is the staff that the ship is being torn apart in search of. I turn to Loki, my eyes wide, aghast. 

“You took it??” I cry, unsure what I’m feeling in the moment. 

“Yes, I did, because it’s mine,” Loki says, picking it up and tossing it around a bit. 

“No it’s not, and you know that! It’s supposed to be in lock up for a reason, Loki!” I shout at him. Walking closer to him in the hope of snatching it, i realize his eyes are glowing blue. 

“You have to take it back.” I demand, my voice low. 

“No. I need it. You have to understand that,” He says, pacing. 

“No, actually, I don’t. Do you see what that thing is doing to you?” I ask him, near-terrified.

“Serendipity,” He says, leaning the staff on the wall and stepping up to me in one long stride. He takes my hands, staring at me. “You can’t tell anyone I have this,” He pleads with me, and I break. 

For a moment, for one beautiful moment, I saw my Loki. My Loki, the Loki who will go swimming with me even though we already went twice today. My Loki who encourages me to soak Tony. My Loki, who even though he doesn’t like Fury, would never steal something like this. 

“What happens when they find it?” I ask, trying to not let my face say anything. 

“It doesn’t matter, because they won’t. Not unless you tell them,” He says, scrutinizing me. 

“Darling,” He says, and tears start to blur my vision. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone.” He asks me, gently squeezing my hands. I glance away from him, clenching my eyes shut. 

“I promise,” I say, and my voice cracks. Loki kisses my forehead and pulls me close. I rest my head on his chest and stand there, staring at the staff. He can’t keep it. It’s doing things to him. But what can I do with it? I can’t just tell Fury I found it somewhere. Everyone is still searching for it, and they won’t stop until it’s found or Fury is dead. 

I guess I just don’t tell anyone. I can’t. 

“Hey Loki,” I whisper. I feel his chest vibrate as he makes a hmm noise. “Could I sleep with you tonight?” I ask, and my heart starts pounding because we’ve never slept together, even just for sleep sleep. 

“It’s just that my apartment is taken by 7 agents who don’t live here since you wouldn’t let yours in, and I’ve been bunking with Nat but I feel-“

“Yes, you can stay here tonight, and any other night you wish, as long as you don’t tell anyone,” Loki says, cutting off my babbling. 

“Why don’t you go get your things together while I clean up a bit?” He suggests, taking a step back. I nod and head back to my room, this time through the doors. Gently closing my door behind me, I slump to the floor. 

“What did I just agree to?” I murmur to myself

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